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    “Comfort imprisons us in a low-grade fear of suffering.  We naturally shy from things that hurt, not understanding how much this pattern debilitates us and keeps us from experiencing life at its fullest.  We must define our comfort zone, and then get the heck out of it!” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

      “Though we’d like to believe our thoughts are under our control, guess again.  Thoughts arise constantly, and many have no business being in our minds, nor do they have a positive purpose in our lives.  Road rage, what goes through your mind when someone cuts you off in traffic, is a good example of an emotion-driven thought.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

        “To win anything, we must first win control over our minds.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

          “Even though you may not feel or look the part now, you must envision yourself in your ideal state, activating your personal power and living in alignment with your stand and purpose.  I learned in the SEALs that there’s no such thing as perfection, only perfect effort.  Through practicing a ‘perfect’ version of ourselves mentally, we’ll slowly become that person in real life.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

            “The perpetual winds of pleasure blow you in one direction.  The gusts of pain push you in another.  The problem is this keeps you from living your ideal life.  You’re simply bouncing around.  By defining your stand and purpose, you will be able to use them as an internal GPS.  When the winds of pain and pleasure blow, you won’t change course.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

              “Ultimately, we need to develop what the Japanese call kokoro, which means to merge our heart and mind in action.  It implies that we are balanced and centered, allowing us to operate in synchronicity with our inner selves, with others, and with nature.  When we commit to integral development and lead with kokoro, we will be 100 percent authentic, present, and powerful.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

                “Bottom line: If you lack an underlying commitment to self-mastery and growth, even the best theory won’t help you lead yourself or a team to success.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal