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Make A Difference Quotes

    “Yes, there are problems, I agree. There are great problems.  Life is such a hell.  Misery is there, poverty is there, violence is there, all kinds of madnesses are afloat, that’s true—but still, I insist the problem arises in the individual soul.  The problem is there because individuals are in chaos.  The total chaos is nothing but a combined phenomenon: we have all poured our chaos into it.  The world is nothing but a relationship; we are related with each other.  If I am neurotic and you are neurotic, then the relationship will be even more neurotic—it is multiplied, not just doubled.  And everybody is neurotic; hence, the world is neurotic.  The beginning has to be with you: You are the ‘world problem.’  So don’t avoid the reality of your inner world—that is the first thing.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition

      “We are all capable of contributing to the world in a way that makes a profound difference.  A rare few go big.  Make the big gesture.  Take the big risk.  Expose themselves on a grand scale.  Create and then ride the big wave.  But most of us, myself included, take a different yet equally valid path.  It’s the path of the ripple.  Simple actions, moments, and experiences.  Created, offered, and delivered with such a purity of intention and depth of integrity and clarity that they set in motion a ripple that, quietly, in its own way, in its own time, expands outward.  Interacting with, touching, mattering to people we’ve never met in ways we never conceived.” ~ Jonathan Fields, How To Live A Good Life

        “The only way to be comfortable with death is to understand and see yourself as something bigger than yourself; to choose values that stretch beyond serving yourself, that are simple and immediate and controllable and tolerant of the chaotic world around you.  This is the basic root of all happiness.  Whether you’re listening to Aristotle or the psychologists at Harvard or Jesus Christ or the goddamn Beatles, they all say that happiness comes from the same thing: caring about something greater than yourself, believing that you are a contributing component in some much larger entity, that your life is but a mere side process of some great unintelligible production.” ~ Mark Mason, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

          “We have to continue to practice mindfulness and reconciliation until we can see a child’s body of skin and bones in Uganda or Ethiopia as our own, until the hunger and pain in the bodies of all species are our own.  Then we will have realized nondiscrimination, real love.  Then we can look at all beings with the eyes of compassion, and we can do the real work to help alleviate suffering.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace is Every Step

            “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” ~ Dalai Lama, via Life Hack

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