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Limitations Quotes

    “The ultimate thing that stops most of us from making significant progress in our lives is not somebody else’s limitations, but rather our own limiting perceptions or beliefs.  No matter how successful we are as human beings, no matter how high we reach personally, professionally, spiritually, emotionally, there’s always another level.  And to get there, we have to be honest with ourselves; honest about our unconscious fears.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

      “If there is one thing I have learned, particularly in my life as an athlete, it is that our limits may not be where we think they are. And, even when we think we’ve finally reached them, the next time we go there exploring we often find that they’ve moved again.” ~ Chrissie Wellington, A Life Without Limits

        “There’s an importance of keeping an open mind. The brain is programed to protect us, and that can mean imposing limits on what it thinks we can or should do. Constantly push at those limits, because the brain can be way too cautious.” ~ Chrissie Wellington, A Life Without Limits

          “There are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits on the human capacity for intelligence, imagination and wonder.” ~ Ronald Reagan

            “Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.” ~ Napoleon Hill

              “Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.” ~ Michael Jordan

                “The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.” ~ Helen Keller

                  “I seldom think about my limitations, and they never make me sad. Perhaps there is just a touch of yearning at times; but it is vague, like a breeze among flowers.” ~ Helen Keller

                    “Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.” ~ Albert Einstein

                      “There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.” ~ Ronald Reagan

                        “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” ~ Les Brown

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