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    “A brief guide to compounding: If you don’t enjoy something, you won’t stick with it. If you don’t stick with it, it won’t compound. Being interested precedes the results.”

    James Clear, Blog

      “Every habit and capability is confirmed and grows in it corresponding actions, walking by walking, and running by running… therefore, if you want to do something make a habit of it, if you don’t want to do that, don’t, but make a habit of something else instead. The same principle is at work in our state of mind. When you get angry, you’ve not only experienced that evil, but you’ve also reinforced a bad habit, adding fuel to the fire.”

      Epictetus, Discourses, The Daily Stoic (Page 147)

        “How much of what you did today was simply due to inertia? Never get so busy that you forget to actively design your life.”

        Steph Smith, Twitter | Read Matt’s Blog on this quote ➜

          “I keep to [my] routine every day without variation. The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind.”

          Haruki Murakami, via Daily Rituals (Page 60) | Read Matt’s Blog on this quote ➜

            “Everything is interconnected. Gratitude improves sleep. Sleep reduces pain. Reduced pain improves your mood. Improved mood reduces anxiety, which improves focus and planning. Focus and planning help with decision making. Decision making further reduces anxiety and improves enjoyment. Enjoyment gives you more to be grateful for, which keeps that loop of the upward spiral going. Enjoyment also makes it more likely you’ll exercise and be social, which, in turn, will make you happier.”

            Daniel J. Siegel, The Upward Spiral

            Osho Quote on Living With Courage and Exploring Both the Inner and Outer World

              “Those who are courageous, they go headlong. They search all opportunities of danger. Their life philosophy is not that of insurance companies. Their life philosophy is that of a mountain climber, a glider, a surfer. And not only in the outside seas they surf; they surf in their innermost seas. And not only on the outside they climb Alps and Himalayas; they seek inner peaks.”

              Osho, Courage (Page 119)

              Beyond the Quote (330/365)

              What’s most interesting to me is how deeply connected both types of adventuring are. It is very similar to the connection between breathing in and breathing out. Adventuring on the outside is the expansion of the lungs—it is the breathing in of all that the world has to offer. Adventuring on the inside is the contraction of the lungs—it is the breathing out of all that you have inhaled and synthesized from your experiences. One leads to the other and the other leads to more of the one.

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                “You cannot bring the new in your life; the new comes. You can either accept it or reject it. If you reject it you remain a stone, closed and dead. If you receive it you become a flower, you start opening… and in that opening is celebration.”

                Osho, Courage (Page 56)

                  “When we not only automate and routinize the trivial parts of life, but also make automatic good and virtuous decisions, we free up resources to do important and meaningful exploration. We buy room for peace and stillness, and thus make good work and good thoughts accessible and inevitable.”

                  Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 205)

                  Charles Colton Quote on Uprooting Vices and Planting Virtues

                    “He that has energy enough to root out a vice should go further, and try to plant a virtue in its place.”

                    Charles Caleb Colton

                    Beyond the Quote (107/365)

                    How hard is it to dig up the roots of an old tree?  Even trying to dig up the roots of a small tree or a bush can be incredibly hard.  This is why, after a tree gets cut down, the stump is either left behind or it’s sawed down and the roots are simply left underground.  Trying to take all of the roots up from a cut down tree simply isn’t worth the time and effort it requires in most cases.

                    Now, how hard is it to plant a seed for a new tree?  Even planting a seed for the mightiest of trees is a breeze.  There might be some variance in the specifics, but for the most part, you prep the land/ soil, dig a hole to the proper depth, place the seed in the hole, put the soil back on top of it, and make sure it gets enough water and sun and voila!  You’re done.

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                    James Allen Quote on Strengthening the Mind

                      “As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.”

                      James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

                      Beyond the Quote (98/365)

                      The connection between careful and patient training and physical improvements is, in my estimation, much more firm than the connection with training and mental or emotional improvements. One of the main reasons for this might be that physical improvements are tangible—we can see the them, feel them, and are constantly being reminded of them.  Every time we look in a mirror or take a selfie on our phone or see pictures that were posted—we are reminded. 

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