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    “What looks like a talent gap is often a focus gap. The ‘all star’ is often an average to above average performer who spends more time working on what is important and less time on distractions. The talent is staying focused.”

    James Clear

    James Clear Quote on Decisions and How Understanding If One Is Reversible Or Not Can Help You Decide

      “If a decision is reversible, the biggest risk is moving too slow. If a decision is irreversible, the biggest risk is moving too fast.”

      James Clear, Blog

      Beyond the Quote (212/365)

      Let’s start by figuring out which types of decisions are which. Not going to college, for example, is a decision that can easily be reversed. You can always go back to college at a later point in time. Going to college and getting a degree in something that you aren’t passionate about or uninterested in pursuing is a decision that is irreversible. Quickly committing to college when you’re unsure, undecided, or confused about your path is a big risk. Especially if the college you’re committing quickly to has a high tuition cost.

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        “You always hold the rights to your effort, but never to your results. Results are entitled to no one. At best, they are on loan and must be renewed each day. All you own is the right to try.”

        James Clear, Blog

          “Mental toughness is persistence not intensity.”

          James Clear, Blog

            “The best way to get the attention and respect of exceptional people is to do exceptional work. Like attracts like.”

            James Clear, Blog

              “The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It’s the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. The problem is not slipping up; the problem is thinking that if you cannot do something perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all…”

              James Clear, Blog

              James Clear Quote on Happiness and How It’s About Absence Not Achievement

                “Happiness is simply the absence of desire.  When you observe a cue, but do not desire to change your state, you are content with the current situation.  Happiness is not about the achievement of pleasure (which is joy or satisfaction), but about the lack of desire.  It arrives when you have no urge to feel differently.  Happiness is the state you enter when you no longer want to change your state.”

                James Clear, Atomic Habits

                Beyond the Quote (94/365)

                People think becoming invincible is impossible—I’d like to argue to the contrary.  How do we become invincible?  By freeing ourselves of desire.  As soon as a want is created a vulnerability is exposed that can be leveraged—by others or even your own mind.  Think about this in the context of a negotiation.

                Read More »James Clear Quote on Happiness and How It’s About Absence Not Achievement

                  “Before you ask for readers, write the article you wish you could read.  Before you ask for the sale, create the product you wish you had.  Before you need support, be the supportive friend. Before you need love, be the loving partner.  Always give value before you ask for value.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                    “The way to attract good luck is to be reliable in a valuable area.  The more you repeatedly deliver value, the more people seek you out for that value.  Your reputation is a magnet. Once you become known for something, relevant opportunities come to you with no extra work.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                      “Success is never due to one thing, but failure can be.  Sleeping well won’t make you successful, but not sleeping enough will hold you back. Hard work is rarely enough without good strategy, but even the best strategy is useless without hard work.  Many things are necessary, but not sufficient for success.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                        “You are only as mentally tough as your life demands you to be.  An easy life fashions a mind that can only handle ease. A challenging life builds a mind that can handle challenge. Like a muscle that atrophies without use, mental strength fades unless it is tested.  When life doesn’t challenge you, challenge yourself.​” ~ James Clear, Blog

                          “Reading is like a software update for your brain. Whenever you learn a new concept or idea, the “software” improves. You download new features and fix old bugs.  In this way, reading a good book can give you a new way to view your life experiences. Your past is fixed, but your interpretation of it can change depending on the software you use to analyze it.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                          James Clear Quote on How Long It Takes To Build A Habit

                            “How long does it take to build a habit?  21 days? 30 days? 66 days?  The honest answer is: forever. Because once you stop doing it, it is no longer a habit.  A habit is a lifestyle to be lived, not a finish line to be crossed. Make small, sustainable changes you can stick with.”

                            James Clear, Blog

                            Beyond the Quote (22/365)

                            It’s time to end the debate.  It’s time to change your mindset about how habits work and how they are formed.  The problem with 21, 30, 66, or even 90 days, is that those numbers create finish lines—and very short distanced ones at that.  And once one of those finish lines are crossed, then what?

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                            James Clear Quote on The Importance Of Systems For Success

                              “You do not rise to the level of your goals.  You fall to the level of your systems.”

                              James Clear, Atomic Habits

                              Beyond the Quote (Day 8)

                              Before the start of every competition, it’s safe to assume that every competitor has the same goal—to win.  And yet, not all of them do—only one person wins.  Is it the case that the person who wins has a bigger desire to win than the rest? Possibly, but not indefinitely. It is certainly the case that people with greater desires to win have lost. Size of desire, in and of itself, is not the difference maker in winning and losing. So, what is?

                              Read More »James Clear Quote on The Importance Of Systems For Success

                                “You know yourself mostly by your thoughts.  Everyone else in the world knows you only by your actions.  Remember this when you feel misunderstood. You have to do or say something for others to know how you feel.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                                  “Whatever it is for you, our lives were meant to be spent making our contribution to the world, not merely consuming the world that others create.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                                    “Success is not a goal to reach or a finish line to cross.  It is a system to improve, an endless process to refine.” ~ James Clear, Atomic Habits

                                      “Your actions reveal how badly you want something.  If you keep saying something is a priority but you never act on it, then you don’t really want it.  It’s time to have an honest conversation with yourself.  Your actions reveal your true motivations.” ~ James Clear, Atomic Habits