“Beauty is that in the presence of which we feel more alive.”
John O’Donohue, via Becoming Wise (Page 75)
“It’s easy to confuse the image we present to the world for who we actually are, especially when media messaging deliberately blurs that distinction. You might look beautiful today, but if that was the result of vain obsession in the mirror this morning, the Stoics would ask, are you actually beautiful? A body build from hard work is admirable. A body build to impress gym rats is not.”
Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 87) (Read Matt’s Blog On This Quote)
“You are not your body and hair-style, but your capacity for choosing well. If your choices are beautiful, so too will you be.”
Epictetus, Discourses, via The Daily Stoic (Page 87)
“I still wear makeup when I feel like it, though less of it, and I still enjoy experimenting with a new shade of lipstick or eye shadow. The point is that I, and everyone else, have a choice. And we should be able to freely make that choice, from one moment to the next, without society’s ‘standard of beauty’ hovering over us. I am my own standard-bearer. So are you.”
Alicia Keys, More Myself (Page 211)