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Influence Quotes

    “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg, CNN

    Diane Dreher Quote on Micromanaging and How It May Cause More Harm Than Good

      “Micromanaging erodes people’s confidence, making them overly dependent on their leaders. Well-meaning leaders inadvertently sabotage their teams by rushing to the rescue and offering too much help. A leader needs to balance assistance with wu wei, backing off long enough to let people learn from their mistakes and develop competence.”

      Diane Dreher

      Beyond the Quote (194/365)

      In the earliest stages of a child’s development it is the responsibility of the parents to provide the most ideal nurturing environments and circumstances. Children are, essentially, completely dependent on what their parents provide. As they grow, however, so too does their ability to accept responsibility and manage their own surroundings—starting on a micro level and growing in size proportionally as they mature.

      Read More »Diane Dreher Quote on Micromanaging and How It May Cause More Harm Than Good

        “What makes people work is an idea worth working for, along with a clear understanding of what needs to be done.”

        Michael Gerber, The E-Myth Revisited (Page 4)

        John C. Maxwell Quote on Leadership and How To Best Influence Other People

          “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. How do you gain influence from people? You invest in them. How do you invest in them? It starts with giving them time.”

          John C. Maxwell, Leadership Gold

          Beyond the Quote (162/365)

          Investing time into another person is undoubtedly one of the most powerful ways to influence them. For, time is our most precious resource and when somebody shares their most precious resource with you, it is a clear showing that you are precious to them. If you had a very precious diamond, you wouldn’t just share that with anybody would you? You would only share that with someone precious—someone close.

          Read More »John C. Maxwell Quote on Leadership and How To Best Influence Other People

          Napoleon Hill Quote on Being The Master Of Your Destiny and Controlling Influences

            “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

            Napoleon Hill

            Beyond the Quote (161/365)

            Influence is the effect one person has on another person’s thoughts and actions. Influence happens every second of every day of your life. Most notably, when you are in direct communication with another person. What another person says and what they do influences you. Either you like what you hear and see and so adjust accordingly, or you dislike what you hear and see and so adjust accordingly the other way. There is no neutral when it comes to interactions because neutral would either mean that you were looking at an exact replica of yourself or that you didn’t notice the other which implies no interaction. We are all so different and unique that we can’t help but influence each other in one way or another.

            Read More »Napoleon Hill Quote on Being The Master Of Your Destiny and Controlling Influences

              “The best way to get the attention and respect of exceptional people is to do exceptional work. Like attracts like.”

              James Clear, Blog

                “When people are ready to, they change. They never do it before then, and sometimes they die before they get around to it. You can’t make them change if they don’t want to, just like when they do want to, you can’t stop them.” ~ Andy Warhol, via Nitch

                  “We are all capable of contributing to the world in a way that makes a profound difference.  A rare few go big.  Make the big gesture.  Take the big risk.  Expose themselves on a grand scale.  Create and then ride the big wave.  But most of us, myself included, take a different yet equally valid path.  It’s the path of the ripple.  Simple actions, moments, and experiences.  Created, offered, and delivered with such a purity of intention and depth of integrity and clarity that they set in motion a ripple that, quietly, in its own way, in its own time, expands outward.  Interacting with, touching, mattering to people we’ve never met in ways we never conceived.” ~ Jonathan Fields, How To Live A Good Life

                    “Everything we say signifies; everything counts, that we put out into the world. It impacts on kids, it impacts on the zeitgeist of the time.” ~ Meryl Streep, via Blog of Jonathan Fields

                      “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” ~ Antoine De Saint Exupery, via Blog of Jonathan Fields

                        “There are those whose lives affect all others around them.  Quietly touching one heart, who in turn, touches another.  Reaching out to ends further than they would ever know.” ~ William Bradfield

                        Talk Like TED [Book]

                          Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo

                          By: Carmine Gallo

                          From this Book: 12 Quotes

                          Book Overview: Ideas are the currency of the twenty-first century. In order to succeed, you need to be able to sell your ideas persuasively. This ability is the single greatest skill that will help you accomplish your dreams. TED Talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking. TED―which stands for technology, entertainment, and design―brings together the world’s leading thinkers. These are the presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking.

                          Buy from Amazon!  Listen on Audible!

                          Not enough time to read/listen to the whole book? Check out the 16 minute Blinkist version of Talk Like TED and get the key insights here for free.

                          Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

                            “When you deliver a presentation, your goal should not be to ‘deliver a presentation.’ It should be to inspire your audience, to move them, and to encourage them to dream bigger.  You cannot move people if they don’t think you’re real.  You’ll never convince your audience of anything if they don’t trust, admire, and genuinely like you.” ~ Carmine Gallo, Talk Like TED

                              Leadership Law:  Think of the reaction that you want first, then determine the actions you can take to maximize the chances that those reactions will actually happen.”

                              J. Keith Murnighan, Do Nothing!

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