“Doing things badly does not give you the right to demand haste from the person who does them well.”
Juan Ramón Jiménez, poet, via Discipline Is Destiny (Page 57)
“Hustle isn’t always about hurrying. It is about getting things done, properly. It’s okay to move slowly… provided that you never stop. Do we not understand that in the story of the tortoise and the hare, that it was actually the turtle who hustled?”
Ryan Holiday, Discipline Is Destiny (Page 57)
34 Will Smith Quotes from Will on Hustle, Happiness, and Love
Excerpt: This collection of quotes from Will will give you a peak into the mind of one of the most beloved and prolific stars in Hollywood history…
Read More »34 Will Smith Quotes from Will on Hustle, Happiness, and Love
“Look for situations where the energy is already flowing downhill. Invest in relationships where there is already mutual respect. Create products that tap into a desire people already have. Work on projects that play to your strengths. And then, once the potential of the situation is already working for you, add fuel to the fire. Pour yourself into the craft. Act as if you have to outwork everyone else—even though the wind is at your back. The idea is to sprint downhill, not grind uphill.”
James Clear, Blog
What “Hustle Culture” Is Missing…
Excerpt: Hustle can help you get ahead. But, how good is getting ahead if you can’t stay ahead? Here’s what hustle culture is missing…
Read More »What “Hustle Culture” Is Missing…
“All the inspirational quotes about hustling hard and pushing oneself beyond one’s limits have disappeared from my walls and from my life. When speaking to friends and hearing about all the amazingly massive things they’re doing, I always reply by asking, ‘But are you having fun?’ The responses are a mix of yes and no, but the question stops everyone in their tracks and gets them thinking. There’s no fun waiting for us after the work; there’s just more work. More year-ends, more midterms, more tests, more projects, more patients, more students, more clients, more customers; it never ends, so the least we can do is enjoy it while we’re doing it. That can come from either finding something we already enjoy or reprogramming what we’re already doing to add more fun to it.” ~ Humble the Poet, Things No One Else Can Teach Us (Page 103)