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    “There can be no liberation when our most intimate relationships are built on—and really inflected by—deception, abuse, misdirection, antiblackness, patriarchy, and bald-faced lies.”

    Kiese Laymon, Heavy (Page 239)

      “If your children lie to you, who has made them afraid to tell the truth?”

      Unknown, via No Excuses! (Page 255)

        “As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself. Hiding your core feelings takes an enormous amount of energy, it saps your motivation to pursue worthwhile goals, and it leaves you feeling bored and shut down. Meanwhile, stress hormones keep flooding your body, leading to headaches, muscle aches, problems with your bowels or sexual functions—and irrational behaviors that may embarrass you and hurt the people around you. Only after you identify the source of these responses can you start using your feelings as signals of problems that require your urgent attention.”

        Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps The Score (Page 235) | ★ Featured on this book list.

          “If it is not right, don’t do it: if it is not true, don’t say it.”

          Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (Page 118)

            “Calculated honesty is a stiletto. There is nothing more degrading than the friendship of wolves: avoid that above all. The good, honest, kindly man has it in his eyes, and you cannot mistake him.”

            Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (Page 99)

              “As a child I was taught that to tell the truth was often painful. As an adult I have learned that not to tell the truth is more painful, and that the fear of telling the truth — whatever the truth may be — that fear is the most painful sensation of a moral life.”

              June Jordan, Some Of Us Did Not Die

                “To tell the truth is the same as to be a good tailor, or to be a good farmer, or to write beautifully. To be good at any activity requires practice: no matter how hard you try, you cannot do naturally what you have not done repeatedly. In order to get accustomed to speaking the truth, you should tell only the truth, even in the smallest of things.”

                Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 67)

                  “The only way to tell the truth is to speak with kindness. Only the words of a loving man can be heard.”

                  Henry David Thoreau, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 67)

                    “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; let it defend itself.”

                    Saint Augustine

                      “How rotten and fraudulent when people say they intend to ‘give it to you straight.’ What are you up to, dear friend? It shouldn’t need your announcement, but be readily seen as if written on your forehead, heard in the ring of your voice, a flash in your eyes—just as the beloved sees it all in the lover’s glance. In short, the straightforward and good person should be like a smelly goat—you know when they are in the room with you.”

                      Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, via The Daily Stoic (Page 304)

                        “[Real virtue] is its own reward. Virtue is the one good that reveals itself to be more than we expect and something that one cannot have in degrees. We simply have it or we don’t. And that is why virtue—made up as it is of justice, honesty, discipline, and courage—is the only thing worth striving for.”

                        Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 224)

                          “If you tell the truth, you have infinite power supporting you; but if not, you have infinite power against you.”

                          Charles Gordon, via Sunbeams (Page 97)

                            “Remember: one lie does not cost you one truth but the truth.”

                            Friedrich Hebbel, via Sunbeams (Page 78)

                              “We have to be utterly broken before we can realize that it is impossible to better the truth. It is the truth that we deny which so tenderly and forgivingly picks up the fragments and puts them together again.”

                              Laurens Van der Post, Sunbeams (Page 17)