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    “I wish neither to possess nor to be possessed. I no longer covet paradise. More important, I no longer fear hell. If you ask me what I will do in heaven, I will say this: Why should I think about something so far away when there are so many things in this life I have not finished learning about?”

    Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 76)

      “I think when a couple marry, they either go into heaven or live in hell. They may live a fairy-tale-like life, or they may suffer a lot. I am a fortunate man. I am fortunate not because my films have broken box-office records in various parts of the world, but because I have a good wife, Linda. She is unsurpassed. Why do I say this? First, I believe a couple should develop a kind of friendship. Linda and I have this kind of friendship. We understand each other, like a pair of good friends. We thus can spend our time together happily. My wife is the luckiest thing that ever happened to me—not The Big Boss.”

      Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 66)

        “My soul can find no staircase to heaven unless it be through earth’s loveliness.”

        Michelangelo, via Sunbeams (Page 150)

          “Eternity is not the hereafter. Eternity has nothing to do with time… This is it. If you don’t get it here, you won’t get it anywhere. The experience of eternity right here and now is the function of life. Heaven is not the place to have the experience; here’s the place to have the experience.”

          Joseph Campbell, via Sunbeams (Page 114)

            “Reality is neutral. Our reactions reflect back and create our world. Judge, and feel separate and lonely. Anger, and lose peace of mind. Cling, and live in anxiety. Fantasize, and miss the present. Desire, and suffer until you have it. Heaven and hell are right here, right now.”

            Naval Ravikant, Medium

            Quote about Curating Every Aspect Of Your Life and Never Settling For Less Than Your Best

              “Don’t settle for nice, for pleasant, for familiar. Keep looking until you find something that really moves you, that resonates with your core. And I mean this for people, for interests, for hobbies, for your possessions, clothes, music, books, art. Everything. Curate every aspect of your life, as much as you can. It’s in the things that deeply inspire us that we find ourselves. Surround yourself with truth, and you’ll have build yourself a heaven.”


              Beyond the Quote (201/365)

              Curate every aspect of your life because if you don’t then there will be aspects of your life that aren’t curated. Sounds like a, “duh” kind of statement, I know, but, to curate suggests a very personal process that involves choosing what and who to allow, what and who to avoid, what and who to include, and what and who to block out.

              Read More »Quote about Curating Every Aspect Of Your Life and Never Settling For Less Than Your Best

              James Allen Quote on The Portals To Heaven and The Kind Of Strength That Will Take You There

                “To live continually in thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prison hole. But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all – such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.”

                James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

                Beyond the Quote (190/365)

                The people who put you through hell aren’t strong—they’re weak. And this isn’t an attack on their character, per se. They may be weak through no fault of their own—they might be a product of their environment. After all, if you grow up in hell how does one not carry feelings of hell with them? It is no easy feat to make your way from hell to heaven—but, that’s the point. It’s hard. It requires deliberate daily effort. It requires strength. People who are in heaven and treat others in “heavenly ways”—they are the ones who are strong.

                Read More »James Allen Quote on The Portals To Heaven and The Kind Of Strength That Will Take You There

                  “If your life is not what it could be, try telling the truth.  If you cling desperately to an ideology, or wallow in nihilism, try telling the truth.  If you feel weak and rejected, and desperate, and confused, try telling the truth.  In Paradise, everyone speaks the truth.  That is what makes it Paradise.  Tell the truth.  Or, at least, don’t lie.” ~ Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 230)

                    “Heaven is not a goal; heaven is the presence right now.  If you are present, the divine is available.  If you live in the moment, you are enlightened; there is no other enlightenment.  And then ordinary life is so extraordinary.  Then to be just a nobody is so fulfilling.  I call this whole approach sannyas: dropping the goals, the purposes, the future—becoming part of existence this very moment, not postponing it.  Then in this very moment, a great explosion is possible in you: the ego disappears, you are no more, but the divine is.  And that is bliss and that is truth.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition

                      “It’s not true that you go to hell or to heaven after you die.  You live in hell or you live in heaven, but now.  Heaven and hell only exist in the level of the mind.”

                      Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love (Read Matt’s Blog on this quote)

                        “Hell is not part of geography, it is part of your psychology, and so is heaven.  You create your hell, you create your heaven.  And it is not in the future.  Herenow somebody is living in heaven and somebody is living in hell – and they may be sitting together, they may be friends.  Don’t be worried about hell and heaven; they are just your states.  If you live in the mind, you live in hell.  If you live in the no-mind, you live in heaven.” ~ Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

                          “Everyone thinks only of him- or herself, and that is why there is so much contention and discord in our world.  If we could just keep our hearts pure, everything would be fine.  Do not think that the divine exists high above us in heaven.  The divine is right here, within and around us.” ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Budo Secrets

                          Don’t confine yourself to a self made prison hole.

                            Don't confine yourself to a self made prison hole.

                            Picture Quote Text:

                            “To live continually in thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prison hole. But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all – such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.” ~ James Allen, As a Man Thinketh