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    “Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress – stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.” ~ Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

      “I’ve come to embrace the notion that I haven’t done enough in my life. I’ve come to confirm that one’s title, even a title like president of the United States, says very little about how well one’s life has been led. No matter how much you’ve done or how successful you’ve been, there’s always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve.” ~ Barack Obama

        “We need to see pain in the right light; we need to contextualize it and develop a proper attitude toward life, one of self-mastery, creation, and ultimately a kind of playfulness. Then, each individual failure, each accident will be redeemed within the greater context of a successful life, a life of one’s own making.” ~ Jacob Held

          “We don’t grow old.  We get old by not growing.” ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym

            “Don’t despair over what is still left to learn, but marvel at the progress you have made.  Growth is a positive thing so keep on keeping on.” ~ Unknown

              “The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.” ~ Jim Rohn

                “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” ~ Albert Einstein

                  “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

                    “To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person.” ~ Bruce Lee

                      “Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.” ~ Bruce Lee

                        “You have to water the flowers you want to grow.” ~ Stephen Covey

                          “Effectively delegating to others is perhaps the single most powerful high-leverage activity there is.” ~ Stephen Covey

                            “I’m not saying that you should deny the difficult events of your life. But the fact that you survived is also a wonderful story to tell. And that story, the story of the way you came through a difficult situation, found resources within yourself or outside of yourself, gleaned from that experience what you wanted and what you didn’t want going forward — that is a story that can inspire you and others to heal and grow.” ~ Golda Poretsky

                              “Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”~ Andy Rooney

                                “I’m a big believer in growth. Life is not about achievement, it’s about learning and growth, and developing qualities like compassion, patience, perseverance, love, and joy, and so forth. And so if that is the case, then I think our goals should include something which stretches us.” ~ Jack Canfield

                                  “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.” ~ Gail Sheehy

                                    “Courageous risks are life-giving, they help you grow, make you brave, and better than you think you are.” ~ Joan L. Curcio

                                      “He who stops being better, stops being good.” ~ Oliver Cromwell

                                        “Pity the man who inherits a million and isn’t a millionaire. Here’s what would be pitiful, if your income grew and you didn’t.” ~ Unknown