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Emotional Intelligence Quotes

    “Desires that arise in agitation are more aligned with your ego. Desires that arise in stillness are more aligned with your soul.”

    Cory Muscara, Twitter

      “What we feel within us functions like an invitation for others to join us and feel the same, whether it is dense and heavy emotions or light and caring ones. It is easy to get angry when someone close to you is angry because the anger of the past that is already deep within your subconscious gets activated and pulled to the surface. This is why one of the biggest signs of maturity is being able to dwell in the mind state of your choice, even if others are putting negativity out into the space you are sharing.”

      Yung Pueblo

        “Happiness is your natural state. That means you will return to it on your own if you allow the other feelings you want to experience to come up, be felt, be processed, and not resisted. The less you resist your unhappiness, the happier you will be. It is often just trying too hard to feel one certain way that sets us up for failure.”

        Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 231)

          “You are not supposed to feel happy all of the time. Trying to feel happy all of the time is not the solution; it’s the problem.”

          Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 225)

            “Your emotional backlog is like your email inbox. When you experience emotions, it’s as though you’re getting little messages from your body stacking up one at a time. If you don’t ever open them, you end up with 1,000+ notifications deep, totally overlooking crucial information and important insights that you need to move your life forward.”

            Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 158)

              “If you want to master your life, you have to learn to organize your feelings. By becoming aware of them, you can trace them back to the thought process that prompted them, and from there you can decide whether or not the idea is an actual threat or concern, or a fabrication of your reptilian mind just trying to keep you alive.”

              Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 95)

                “When we are faced with resentment, what we instead must do is reinvent our image of those around us or those we have perceived as having wronged us. Other people are not here to love us perfectly; they are here to teach us lessons to show us how to love them—and ourselves—better.”

                Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 77)