“Sometimes we all need to be reminded the best parts of life wouldn’t be as sweet without intermittent struggle. The key to survival is learning to laugh at the universe’s inherent chaos.” ~ John Haltiwanger, Elite Daily
“When it comes to love, you should be your own best friend before you try to be someone else’s one and only. You should always know yourself the best before getting to know someone else.” ~ Gigi Engle, Elite Daily
“Finding the right person for you is finding another soul that can jive along with yours. It doesn’t have to be a flawless love; it just has to be the right love.” ~ Gigi Engle, Elite Daily
“The person who is perfect for you is far from perfect. That’s the way it should be. You can’t have a healthy, robust relationship with someone who has never tasted life. You can’t have a lasting love without having a past that has shaped you. You can’t handle a person who is so vacuous he came out of life unscathed. In the end, we’re all just trying to find someone as f*cked up as we are.” ~ Gigi Engle, Elite Daily
“Despite what you may think, there’s nothing wrong with being messed up. The person who is messed up is actually the best person you can date. This person’s baggage and experience is what makes him or her beautiful. He or she can still function in society despite having seen what life is about and how ugly things can get.” ~ Gigi Engle, Elite Daily