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    “Show up…
    …when you’re tired
    …when you don’t have to
    …even if you have an excuse
    …even if you’re busy
    …even if you won’t get recognized for it
    …even if it’s been kicking your ass lately.
    Once something is done, you can build on it. Once you get started, momentum can grow. When you show up, you can get lucky.”

    Ryan Holiday, Discipline Is Destiny (Page 44)

      “You can be relaxed and dedicated. Just because you worry more, doesn’t mean you care more.”

      James Clear

        “In order to achieve victory, one must dedicate every second and every resource into preparation and training. LeBron James doesn’t take a summer break—he uses it to work on other aspects of his game. The U.S. military trains its soldiers day and night when not at war, in preparation for when they have to go to war; when they do go to war, they fight until it’s over. The same is true for us. We can’t do this life thing halfheartedly.”

        Ryan Holiday, via The Daily Stoic (Page 265)

          “[On learning how to play the banjo] I thought, if I stay with it, then one day I will have been playing for forty years, and anyone who sticks with something for forty years will be pretty good at it.”

          Steve Martin, via So Good They Can’t Ignore You (Page 98)

            “You have to work hard in the dark to shine in the light. Meaning: It takes a lot of work to be successful, and people will celebrate that success, will celebrate that flash and hype. Behind that hype, though, is dedication, focus, and seriousness—all of which outsiders will never see. If you stop being dedicated to the craft, the commercials and contracts will all fade away.”

            Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 59)

            Why is Consistency the Key? Because It Beats Talent, Good Intentions, Luck, and Even Quality.

              “Consistency beats talent. Consistency beats good intentions. Consistency beats luck. Consistency even beats quality.”


              Beyond the Quote (96/365)

              When does consistency beats talent?

              Well, you have to be consistent enough to bridge the talent gap.  The fact that somebody is ‘talented’ in a certain area implies that they have innate aptitudes, abilities, or skills that start them ahead of you.  But just because somebody has a head start doesn’t mean that they are always going to win.  In fact, this is the basic premise for every underdog story you’ve ever heard.

              Read More »Why is Consistency the Key? Because It Beats Talent, Good Intentions, Luck, and Even Quality.

              Ryan Holiday Quote on Producing Good Work—Despite The Challenges

                “Work is finding yourself alone at the track when the weather kept everyone else indoors.  Work is pushing through the pain and crappy first drafts and prototypes.  It is ignoring whatever plaudits others are getting, and more importantly, ignoring whatever plaudits you may be getting.  Because there is work to be done.  Work doesn’t want to be good.  It is made so, despite the headwind.”

                Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy

                Beyond the Quote (69/365)

                Why do all of this work at all?  Why show up when it’s raining and cold?  Why push through writing tasks when Netflix is one click away?  Why keep working when you’re getting praised and approved of for what you’ve already done?  Why not stay indoors, become complacent, relax, and soak in the compliments you’ve already received?  …Well, because that’s not how your best work comes to life—that’s why.  And that task of bringing to life your best work, may be your most important calling on this earth. 

                Read More »Ryan Holiday Quote on Producing Good Work—Despite The Challenges

                  “Success is processional. It’s the result of a series of small disciplines that lead us into habitual patterns of success that no longer require consistent will or effort.” ~ Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

                    “I believe that life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life’s greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve.” ~ Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

                      “Grit is not just simple elbow-grease term for rugged persistence. It is an often invisible display of endurance that lets you stay in an uncomfortable place, work hard to improve upon a given interest, and do it again and again.” ~ Sarah Lewis, The Rise

                        “While others were out partying, I was training. While they were out dancing at the clubs, I was training… and training… and training.” ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

                          “One of the most common mistakes and one of the costliest, is thinking that success is due to some genius, some magic something or other which we do not possess.  Success is generally due to holding on and failure to let go.  You decide to learn a language, study music, take a course in reading, train yourself physically.  Will it be a success or failure?  It depends upon how much pluck and perseverance that word ‘decide’ contains.  The decision that nothing will overrule, the grip that nothing can detach will bring success.” ~ Maltbie D. Babcock, Clergyman and Author

                            “Do things with your whole heart, with as much intensity as you are capable of. Anything done halfheartedly never brings joy to life. It only brings misery, anxiety, torture, and tension, because whenever you do anything halfheartedly you are dividing yourself into two parts, and that is one of the greatest calamities that has happened to human beings – they are all split.”

                            Osho, The Book of Understanding (page 20)

                              “The successful person has formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do. Successful people don’t like doing them either, necessarily. But their dislike is subordinated by the strength of their purpose.” ~ Stephen Covey, The 8th Habit

                                “You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright

                                  If you aren't willing to work hard for it, then you probably don't really want it.

                                    Nothing worth having comes easy.