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    “Long life is indeed a blessing, but maybe we overdo our concern for the length of our lives and give insufficient attention to the passion we bring to whatever time we have.  The meaning and purpose of life are great mysteries, and in that light a very brief life, of only minutes, can be full and rounded.  The soul has appeared in the flesh; then it returns to its home of origin.”

    Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.

      “Almost every day we are asked to extend the range of our acquaintance with life.  It is one of several ways to live intensely, and it is also a way to prepare for death.  For death is the ultimate stranger.  This is not necessarily a morbid thought, because only by allowing death to play a role in daily life do we really live.  Opening to another society or another individual – they are two levels of culture – we die a little death in relation to what has become familiar.  But those little deaths create openings to new life.”

      Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.

        “Unless you know yourself as eternal beings, part of the whole, you will remain afraid of death.  The fear of death is simply because you are not aware of your eternal source of life.  Once the eternity of your being is realized, death becomes the greatest lie in existence.  Death has never happened, never happens, never will happen, because that which is, remains always – in different forms, on different levels, but there is no discontinuity.  Eternity in the past and eternity in the future both belong to you.  And the present moment becomes a meeting point of two eternities: one going toward the past, one going toward the future.” ~ Osho, Love, Freedom, Alonenss: The Koan of Relationships

          “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” ~ Elie Wiesel

            “One of our problems is that very few of us have developed any distinctive personal life.  Everything about us seems secondhand, even our emotions.  In many cases we have to rely on secondhand information in order to function.  I accept the word of a physician, a scientist, a farmer, on trust.  I do not like to do this.  I have to because they possess vital knowledge of living of which I am ignorant.  Secondhand information concerning the state of my kidneys, the effects of cholesterol, and the raising of chickens, I can live with.  But when it comes to questions of meaning, purpose, and death, secondhand information will not do.  I cannot survive on a secondhand faith in a secondhand God.  There has to be a personal word, a unique confrontation, if I am to come alive.” ~ Alan Jones, Theologian

              “It is very important that you only do what you love to do.  You may be poor, you may go hungry, you may lose your car, you may have to move into a shabby place to live, but you will totally live. And at the end of your days you will bless your life because you have done what you came here to do. Otherwise, you will live your life as a prostitute, you will do things only for a reason, to please other people, and you will never have lived.  And you will not have a pleasant death.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

                “The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

                  “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” ~ William Shakespeare

                    “Just remember, loss is imaginary. Nothing ever disappears in the universe; it only changes form. If there is something that still wounds you, it’s because of the meaning that you have linked to it. Maybe what you need to do is to have faith and say, ‘Even though I don’t know why this has happened, I am willing to trust. Someday, when the time is right, I will understand.'” ~ Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

                    Because I Could Not Stop for Death

                      Because I could not stop for Death,
                      He kindly stopped for me;
                      The carriage held but just ourselves
                      And Immortality.

                      We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
                      And I had put away
                      My labor, and my leisure too,
                      For his civility.

                      We passed the school where children played
                      At wrestling in a ring;
                      We passed the fields of gazing grain,
                      We passed the setting sun.

                      We paused before a house that seemed
                      A swelling of the ground;
                      The roof was scarcely visible,
                      The cornice but a mound.

                      Since then ’tis centuries; but each
                      Feels shorter than the day
                      I first surmised the horses’ heads
                      Were toward eternity.

                      ~ Emily Dickinson

                      If Tomorrow Starts Without Me…

                        If tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not here to see,

                        If the sun should rise you find your eyes all filled with tears for me

                        I wish so much you wouldn’t cry the way you did today,

                        While thinking of the many things we didn’t get to say.

                        I know how much you love me, as much as I love you

                        And each time that you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too.

                        But when tomorrow starts without me please try to understand,

                        That an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand.

                        He said my place was ready, in heaven far above

                        And that I’d have to leave behind all those I dearly love.

                        But as I turned and walked away a tear fell from my eye.

                        For all my life I’d always thought, I didn’t want to die.

                        I had so much to live for, so much left yet to do.

                        It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.

                        I thought of all the yesterdays the good ones and the bad.

                        I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had.

                        If I could relive yesterday, just even for a while,

                        I’d say goodbye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.

                        But then I fully realized that this could never be,

                        For emptiness and memories would take the place of me.

                        When I thought of worldly things I might miss come tomorrow

                        I thought of you and when I did my heart was filled with sorrow.

                        When I walked through heavens gates I felt so much at home.

                        God looked down and smiled at me from his great golden throne

                        He said, “This is eternity and all I’ve promised you”

                        Today your life on earth has passed but here life starts anew.

                        I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last

                        And since each day is the same there’s no longing for the past.

                        You have been so faithful so trusting and so true.

                        Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn’t do.

                        You have been forgiven and now at last you’re free.

                        So won’t you come and take my hand and share my life with me?

                        So when tomorrow starts with out me don’t think we’re far apart,

                        For every time you think of me, I’m right here in your heart.

                        —— —— ——

                        Watch ‘If Tomorrow Starts Without Me…’ on Vimeo

                          “Remember you will die. Maybe even today. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget to be thankful for your health. For the ability to walk. For the time you get to spend with the person you love. For your siblings. For whatever it is that you have today. It’s not yours, it can be stolen away at any moment. So while you have it on loan, cherish it.” ~ Nick Crocker, Medium