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Conversation Quotes

    “Rule of 3 in conversation. To get to the real reason, ask a person to go deeper than what they just said. Then again, and once more. The third time’s answer is close to the truth.”

    Kevin Kelly, Blog

      “The ego is cunning, so you have to be very alert, very present, and totally honest with yourself to see whether you have truly relinquished your identification with a mental position and so freed yourself from your mind. If you suddenly feel very light, clear, and deeply at peace, that is an unmistakable sign that you have surrendered. Then observe what happens to the other person’s mental position as you no longer energize it through resistance. When identification with mental positions is out of the way, true communication begins.”

      Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 215)

      Paulo Coelho Quote on How People Only Hear What They Want To Hear (and Why I Disagree)

        “Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”

        Paulo Coelho

        Beyond the Quote (124/365)

        I disagree. I stumbled upon this quote on Instagram and I can see why people would share it and agree with it from a superficial standpoint, but I feel that there’s something deeply wrong about it that needs to be discussed. If you never took the time to explain, how would anybody ever be influenced to change their mind? Certainly people change their minds. And in my estimation, it’s ONLY through conversation and explanation that it ever happens: conversations you have with other people, conversations you listen to between other people, and conversations that you read from other people. It’s through this constant exchange of ideas—these explanations—that we only ever advance our thoughts forward. How else could we possibly do that?

        Read More »Paulo Coelho Quote on How People Only Hear What They Want To Hear (and Why I Disagree)

          “Sometimes we’ll say small things to someone and they’ll lose their sh*t.  It’s not because they’re crazy—it’s because whatever we said was the last straw.  People walk around collecting moments of stress, and if left unaddressed, stress will pile up until they hit their limit, and then Kaboom!  We’ve all had our own stories of hitting our breaking point and letting the wrong person have it.  Those experiences, as unfortunate as they are, also allow us to find compassion when it happens to others.” ~ Humble the Poet, Things No One Else Can Teach Us (Page 225)

            “When you are arguing with someone, you want to be right, and you want the other person to be wrong.  Then it’s them that has to sacrifice something and change, not you, and that’s much preferable.  If it’s you that’s wrong and you that must change, then you have to reconsider yourself—your memories of the past, your manner of being in the present, and your plans for the future.  Then you must resolve to improve and figure out how to do that.  Then you actually have to do it.  That’s exhausting.  It takes repeated practice, to instantiate the new perceptions and make the new actions habitual.  It’s much easier just not to realize, admit and engage.  It’s much easier to turn your attention away from the truth and remain wilfully blind.” ~ Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules for Life (Page 357)

            Every Word You Cannot Say [Book]

              Every Word You Cannot Say by Iain Thomas

              By: Iain Thomas

              From this Book:  12 Quotes

              Book Overview:  *May this book find the person it needs to. May they find every word they were looking for.*

              **I know you don’t want to talk sometimes. Sometimes because it hurts and sometimes because you’re just not supposed to talk about what you want to talk about. Sometimes it can be hard to say, “this is beautiful,” when no one else can see what you see. Or, “Here, this is where the pain is.” But some part of you knows, the truth about the words you cannot say is that they only hurt until you say them. They only hurt until the person who needs to hear them, hears them. Because we are human, and the closest we’ve ever come to showing each other who we really are, and how we love, is with words. So I’m going to try to say to you here, what I wish you’d say to me too.  Please.  Listen.  We can change things.  Here.

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              Not enough time to read entire books? Check out Blinkist and get the key insights from popular nonfiction books in a fraction of the time. ‘Busy’ isn’t an excuse.

              Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

                “Most human relationships consist mainly of minds interacting with each other, not of human beings communicating, being in communion.  No relationship can thrive in that way, and that is why there is so much conflict in relationships.  When the mind is running your life, conflict, strife, and problems are inevitable.  Being in touch with your inner body creates a clear space of no-mind within which the relationship can flower.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 127)

                  “People organize their brains with conversation.  If they don’t have anyone to tell their story to, they lose their minds.  Like hoarders, they cannot unclutter themselves.  The input of the community is required for the integrity of the individual psyche.  To put it another way: It takes a village to organize a mind.” ~ Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 250)

                    “Simply having a phone on the table or within reach keeps the conversations shallow.  None of this would be a big deal if mobile and app-based conversation were complementing rather than replacing face-to-face conversation, but that’s not the case.  In fact, so many people are turning to digital to have potentially messy and emotional conversations in a less messy and emotional way.  It may bring more calm to a relationship, sure, but it also strips the vulnerability and revelation that come from looking someone in the eye, seeing how your words land, seeing how their body responds, hearing the catch in their breath, understanding what is truly going on between you in a way no emoji chain or composed text could ever express.  That emotional, messy, hard, exhilarating, don’t-know-what’s-coming-next space is where the moments that make life most worth living lie.  Kill the space, kill the moment.  Hello, tidy matrix and numbed-out life.” ~ Jonathan Fields, How To Live A Good Life

                    The Book of Questions [Book]

                      Book of Questions by Gregory Stock

                      By: Gregory Stock

                      From this Book: 19 Quotes

                      Book Overview: This is a book for personal growth, a tool for deepening relationships, a lively conversation starter for the family dinner table, a fun way to pass the time in the car. It poses over 300 questions that invite people to explore the most fascinating of subjects: themselves and how they really feel about the world.  The Book of Questions may be the only publication that challenges―and even changes―the way you view the world, without offering a single opinion of its own.

                      Buy from Amazon!  Not on Audible…

                      Not enough time to read entire books? Check out Blinkist and get the key insights from popular nonfiction books in a fraction of the time.  ‘Busy’ isn’t an excuse.

                      Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

                      1. 11 Questions from The Book of Questions that (When Answered) Will Change Your Life.
                      2. Questions.  The Ultimate Mind Hack?
                      3. Gregory Stock Quote on Friendship—and What Your Friends Say About You (Beyond the Quote 62/365)

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