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    “Socrates didn’t know much. There wasn’t much he held for certain. But he was sure, he said, that ‘we cannot remain as we are.’ It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. Nobody is as good as they could be. Nobody is perfect. Everybody can improve. There are few self-fulfilling prophecies more important or more dangerous than this. If you think you have room to grow, you do and you will. If you think you’re as good as you can be… you’re right. You won’t get any better.”

    Ryan Holiday, Discipline Is Destiny (Page 187)

      “When a machine malfunctions, you do not take it personally or grow despondent. It is in fact a blessing in disguise. Such malfunctions generally show you inherent flaws and means of improvement. You simply keep tinkering until you get it right.”

      Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 96)

        “For some people, I guess, it might be hard to stay sharp once you’ve reached the pinnacle. Not for me, though. It was never enough. I always wanted to be better, wanted more. I can’t really explain it, other than that I loved the game but had a very short memory. That fueled me until the day I hung up my sneakers.”

        Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 125)

          “From the beginning, I wanted to be the best. I had a constant craving, a yearning, to improve and be the best. I never needed any external forces to motivate me.”

          Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 22)

          Kevin Kelly Quote on Creating and How To Take Creations from Being “Good” to “Great”

            “To make something good, just do it. To make something great, just re-do it, re-do it, re-do it. The secret to making fine things is in remaking them.”

            Kevin Kelly, Blog

            Beyond the Quote (210/365)

            The rough draft is never as good as the final copy. The first rendition is never as smooth as the final production. The initial prototype never functions as well as the end-stage product. In each of these cases, what’s the difference between the former and the latter? The re-doing. Re-doing doesn’t have to mean starting from scratch with each of your creations either—although it could be that. Rather, it’s more of an emphasis on constant and never-ending refinement.

            Read More »Kevin Kelly Quote on Creating and How To Take Creations from Being “Good” to “Great”

              “There is no enlightened one.  There is only the one who is seeking further enlightenment.  Proper Being is process, not a state; a journey, not a destination.  It’s the continual transformation of what you know, through encounter with what you don’t know, rather than the desperate clinging to the certainty that is eternally insufficient in any case.  Always place your becoming above your current being.  That means it is necessary to recognize and accept your insufficiency, so that it can be continually rectified.  That’s painful, certainly—but, it’s a good deal.” ~ Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules for Life (Page 362)

                “Success is not a goal to reach or a finish line to cross.  It is a system to improve, an endless process to refine.” ~ James Clear, Atomic Habits

                  “It is far more lucrative and fun to leverage your strengths instead of attempting to fix all the chinks in your armor.  The choice is between multiplication of results using strenths or incremental improvement fixing weaknesses that will, at best, become mediocre.  Focus on better use of your best weapons instead of constant repair.” ~ Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

                    “If we are striving, if we are working, if we are trying, to the best of our ability, to improve day by day, then we are in the line of our duty.” ~ Heber Grant

                      “He who stops being better, stops being good.” ~ Oliver Cromwell

                        “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.” ~ John Dewey