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Concentration Quotes

Herbert Simon Quote on Attention and How Eyes Communicate Priority

    “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”

    Herbert Simon, via Stillness is the Key (Page 30)

    Beyond the Quote (280/365)

    The vast majority of the information that we use to process the world comes in through our eyes. Next most is through our ears. It follows, then, that where our eyes are pointed will determine where the majority of the information that we’ll obtain will come from. If our eyes are pointed at another person, the majority of the information that we’ll end up taking in will come from what we see while looking at that person. And the same is true if our eyes are pointed at a screen, at the road while we’re driving, at a stranger passing us down the street, etc. Eyes communicate priority.

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      Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.” ~ Nido Qubein

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                “When you are playing your game right on time, in the present, you perform at your best.  Why?  Because in the present, there is no pressure.  Pressure is created by anxieties about the future and remembered failures from the past.” ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym

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