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Competition Quotes

Humble the Poet Quote on Comparing Ourselves To Others (and Why That Can Be Dangerous)

    “I was comparing myself to everyone and anyone I encountered.  If I was making music and met a well-off stockbroker, my mind would ask, ‘Why aren’t you selling stocks?’ When money got better, but I met someone with a beautiful body, I’d ask, ‘Why aren’t you spending more time in the gym?’  I would identify all the gaps in my life on the basis of whomever I crossed paths with.  That’s a dangerous thing because everyone we meet will always have something we don’t have.”

    Humble the Poet, Things No One Else Can Teach Us (Page 121)

    Beyond the Quote (77/365)

    Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who somebody else is today.  As Humble mentions above, you’re going to meet people who have more money; who have more beautiful bodies; who are more popular; who are more intelligent than you.  What you can’t do when you meet them is compare where you are on your journey to where they are on their journey.

    Read More »Humble the Poet Quote on Comparing Ourselves To Others (and Why That Can Be Dangerous)

    Ryan Holiday Quote on Success Being About Beating Yourself—Not The Other Guy

      “[Success] is not about beating the other guy.  It’s not about having more than the others.  It’s about being what you are, and being as good as possible at it, without succumbing to all the things that draw you away from it.  It’s about going where you set out to go.  About accomplishing the most that you’re capable of in what you choose.  That’s it.  No more and no less.”

      Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy

      Beyond the Quote (19/365)

      Be what you are—and be as good as possible at it.  Identifying your unique strengths, aptitudes, and abilities as a person is the most important first step in discovering your success.  Once those characteristics are discovered (or at least a relatively firm idea has been developed), then step two is tripling down on those strengths with as much of your energy and effort as you can afford so that you can accomplish all that you’re capable of accomplishing.

      Read More »Ryan Holiday Quote on Success Being About Beating Yourself—Not The Other Guy

        “If you want to play the game and win, you’ve got to play ‘full out.’ You’ve got to be willing to feel stupid, and you’ve got to be willing to try things that might not work – and if they don’t work, be willing to change your approach. Otherwise, how could you innovate, how could you grow, how could you discovery who you really are?” ~ Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

          “If there is one thing I have learned, particularly in my life as an athlete, it is that our limits may not be where we think they are. And, even when we think we’ve finally reached them, the next time we go there exploring we often find that they’ve moved again.” ~ Chrissie Wellington, A Life Without Limits

            “The key is to trust in your preparation. You have done all you can, so focus on that fact. You will remain the same person before, during and after the race, so the result, however important, will not define you. The journey is what matters.” ~ Chrissie Wellington, A Life Without Limits

              “Never try to be better than someone else. Learn from others, and try to be the best you can be. Success is the by-product of that preparation.” ~ John Wooden

                “Players with fight never lose a game, they just run out of time.” ~ John Wooden

                  It's not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you were the day before.

                    “Sport is where an entire life can be compressed into a few hours, where the emotions of a lifetime can be felt on an acre or two of ground, where a person can suffer and die and rise again on six miles of trails through a New York City park. Sport is a theater where sinner can turn saint and a common man become an uncommon hero, where the past and the future can fuse with the present. Sport is singularly able to give us peak experiences where we feel completely one with the world and transcend all conflicts as we finally become our own potential.” ~ Dr. George Sheehan

                      “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” ~ Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

                        “The combination of creative energies and the need to perform at the highest level to keep up with peers leads to an otherwise unattainable commitment to excellence.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element

                          “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” ~ Pierre de Coubertin, Founder of Modern Olympic Games

                            “Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.” ~ John F. Kennedy

                              “I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.” ~ Mikhail Baryshnikov

                                “When you know both yourself as well as your competition, you are never in danger. To know yourself and not others, gives you half a chance of winning.  Knowing neither yourself or your competition puts you in a position to lose.” ~ Sun-Tzu

                                  “I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.” ~ Walt Disney

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