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Competition Quotes

    “While competition certainly makes sense in the world of sports—where at the end of each game somebody wins and somebody loses—there’s no place for competition in the arts. One way to determine whether or not art is ‘successful’ is if it’s original. Ironically, it’s impossible to be original in the arts if you’re competing with another artist, because to compete is to agree you are playing the same game. And so in art, to compete is to lose.”

    Cole Schafer

      “The will to win is wasted if it is directed towards trivial affairs.”

      James Clear, Blog

        “Remember that you cannot do anything wonderful driven by competition; you cannot do anything noble from pride.”

        John Ruskin, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 196)

          “YOUTH: Have you become free from all forms of competition?

          PHILOSOPHER: Of course. I do not think about gaining status or honor, and I live my life as an outsider philosopher without any connection whatsoever to worldly competition.

          YOUTH: Does that mean you dropped out of competition? That you somehow accepted defeat?

          PHILOSOPHER: No. I withdrew from places that are preoccupied with winning and losing. When one is trying to be oneself, competition will inevitably get in the way.”

          Ichiro Kishimi, The Courage To Be Disliked

            “It’s taken me many years of being overly competitive with those around me to discover that it’s impossible to be totally happy whilst competitive because it’s impossible to be competitive without being comparative.”

            Cole Schafer

              “The worst golfer in town came in last in the club tournament. Actually, that’s not true. The worst golfer didn’t even enter. Well, that’s not true either. The worst golfer doesn’t even play.”

              Seth Godin, Blog

                “Upon the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that, upon other fields, on other days will bear the fruits of victory.”

                Douglass MacArthur, via The Daily Stoic (Page 282)

                  “One of the most fundamental principles of martial arts is that strength should not go against strength. That is: don’t try to beat your opponent where they are strongest. But that’s exactly what we do when we try to undertake some impossible task we haven’t bothered to think through. Or we let someone put us on the spot. Or we say yes to everything that comes our way.”

                  Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 247)

                    “Sport is where an entire life can be compressed into a few hours, where the emotions of a lifetime can be felt on an acre or two of ground, where a person can suffer and die and rise again on six miles of trails through a New York City park. Sport is a theater where sinner can turn saint and a common man become an uncommon hero, where the past and future can fuse with the present. Sport is singularly able to give us peak experiences where we feel completely one with the world and transcend all conflicts as we finally become our own potential.”

                    George A. Sheehan, via Sunbeams (Page 52)

                      “Why do athletes talk trash to each other? Why do they deliberately say offensive and nasty things to their competitors when the refs aren’t looking? To provoke a reaction. Distracting and angering opponents is an easy way to knock them off their game. Try to remember that when you find yourself getting mad. Anger is not impressive or tough—it’s a mistake. It’s weakness.”

                      Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 41)

                      Quote on How Your Competition Isn’t Other People—It’s You Versus You.

                        “Your competition isn’t other people. Your competition is your procrastination. Your ego. The unhealthy food you’re consuming, the knowledge you neglect. The negative behavior you’re nurturing and your lack of creativity. Compete against that.”


                        Beyond the Quote (311/365)

                        Your competition is your previous self. It always was and always will be. You can choose to compete against other people, but ultimately, it should only be used as a tool to better compete against who you were yesterday. What place you get or how you end up compared to others should always be mentally discarded.

                        Read More »Quote on How Your Competition Isn’t Other People—It’s You Versus You.

                          “Competition is for losers.”

                          Peter Thiel, Medium

                            “Most players listen to music every game. They have their headphones on religiously and use music to get them in the right state of mind. They’d even sing and dance. I rarely ever did that. Sometimes, even when I had headphones on, there wasn’t any music playing. It was a feint to keep people away, and to get in my zone. For the most part, before games I just liked being there, hearing the sounds of the environment and observing everything.”

                            Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 84)

                            Sarah Lewis Quote on How A ‘Near Win’ Could Be Better Than ‘The Win’

                              “To reach an audacious goal, we sometimes benefit from having it lie just beyond our grasp.”

                              Sarah Lewis, The Rise

                              Beyond the Quote (130/365)

                              Think about a time when you won – by a lot.  What was going through your mind?

                              • “Who’s ready to celebrate?!”
                              • What are we having for dinner?
                              • “All of my hard work has finally paid off.”

                              Think also about a time when you lost – by a lot.  What was going through your mind after that?

                              Read More »Sarah Lewis Quote on How A ‘Near Win’ Could Be Better Than ‘The Win’

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