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Thich Nhat Hanh Quote on Inner Peace and Understanding The Nature Of Our Inner World

    “We must look deeply into the nature of our volition to see whether it is pushing us in the direction of liberation from suffering and toward peace and compassion, or in the direction of affliction and misery. What is it that we really want deep in our heart? Is it money, fame, power? Or is it finding inner peace, being able to live life fully and enjoy the present moment?”

    Thich Nhat Hanh, Savor

    Beyond the Quote (244/365)

    How to achieve inner peace? Eliminate all inner conflict. For what is peace but the absence of war? And who is less at peace than the person who is constantly at war within themselves? As is evidenced from throughout human history and in modern times, eliminating war is no easy feat. There are very real threats that, time and time again, have called for war under the context that the fight was (and is) for the greater good. And while the means for achieving peace in the external world are (and will forever be) up for debate because we all share this world together—achieving inner peace is something that is (and will forever be) up to only you.

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    Eckhart Tolle Quote on Feeling Small and How To See Yourself Differently

      “If small things have the power to disturb you, then who you think you are is exactly that: small.”

      Eckhart Tolle

      Beyond the Quote (211/365)

      A pebble on the ground will be disturbed by just about anything that crosses its path. It’s too small to stand its ground. Everything from the kicks of a person’s shoe, to the rain the gathers and runs across the ground, to the wind, even, as it gusts up in minor blows, will all affect it. It is in the nature of the pebble to be moved and affected by forces larger than it.

      Read More »Eckhart Tolle Quote on Feeling Small and How To See Yourself Differently

        “If at all possible, commune with nature daily.  A quick walk through the woods or even a few minutes spent cultivating your tomato garden in the backyard will reconnect you to the wellspring of calm that may now be dormant within you.  Being with nature also allows you to tune in to the infinite wisdom of your highest self.  This self-knowledge will move you into the uncharted dimensions of your personal power.  Never forget this.” ~ Robin S. Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

          “Be the calm center in the raging flow of life.” ~ Leo Babauta, Zen Habits

            “Nothing is so bitter that a calm mind cannot find comfort in it.” ~ Seneca

              “The cyclone derives its powers from a calm center. So does a person.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale