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Be The Change Quotes

    “The journey of the bodhisattva warrior starts with the basic attitude of enlarging our motivation to include the welfare of others.  This is a simple response to this dark age.  Let’s begin right now by engaging love and compassion however we can—not tomorrow, but today.  By cultivating courage and confidence in ourselves and maintaining our seat, we can enjoy creating a sane environment; we can enjoy creating an enlightened society.  This doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  Start by looking at your own life and see what you can do, one step at a time.  Love is the saving grace.” ~ Sakyong Mipham, Turning the Mind Into An Ally (Page 212)

      “We can realize peace right in the present moment with our look, our smile, our words, and our actions.  Peace work is not a means.  Each step we make should be peace.  Each step we make should be joy.  Each step we make should be happiness.  If we are determined , we can do it.  We don’t need the future.  We can smile and relax.  Everything we want is right here in the present moment.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace is Every Step

        “When someone says words that may not feel good in your body, seem sarcastic in tone, and are meant to judge versus uplift you, this only offers you greater opportunities to raise the vibration of your response. By responding to anyone’s criticism with love, compassion and acceptance, you are stepping forward as a master of relationships to create your own experiences, which has nothing to do with how anyone treats you.” ~ Matt Kahn

          “Make it your business to draw out the best in others by being an exemplar yourself.” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

            “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

              “Be yourself, and let others be themselves.  Do not harm others with your beliefs.  There’s only so much we can know about right and wrong, but as far as I’m able to tell, the genesis of evil lies in forceful ideology.  If we act with mindful compassion over and over again, we can tangentially and unconsciously influence others to do the same.  With such an attitude, one would hope the world would grow more peaceful and intelligent over time.” ~ Unknown, The Daily Zen

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