“Only when we stop pretending to be something we are not—when we no longer feel the need to hide or overcompensate for either our weaknesses or our gifts—will we know the freedom of expressing our authentic self and have the ability to make choices that are based on the life we truly desire to live.”
Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 106)
“If I am transparent enough to myself, then I can become less afraid of those hidden selves that my transparency may reveal to others. If I reveal myself without worrying about how others will respond, then some will care, though others may not. But who can love me, if no one knows me? I must risk it, or live alone. It is enough that I must die alone. I am determined to let down, whatever the risks, if it means that I may have whatever is there for me.”
Sheldon Kopp, If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him, via Sunbeams (Page 93)
“A genius is the one most like himself.”
Thelonious Monk, via The Practice
“A lot of us are over the fakeness. Much of what we see and consume in our world is so carefully constructed and polished, so highly curated. Like never before, we crave the authentic, not just when it comes to appearance, but also in our narratives. In our conversations. In our work and political spheres. In our friendships and intimate relationships. And as we uncover that truth, as we remove the masks and falsehoods and finally get clear on what’s real, the work of our lives, as I see it, is to stand immovably in that truth.”
Alicia Keys, More Myself (Page 211)
“The magic in any art is not only in its technique but in its authenticity. Truth in its rawest form is what resonates most powerfully.”
Alicia Keys, More Myself (Page 39)
37 Stunning Alicia Keys Quotes from More Myself on Living Authentically
Excerpt: Written in a very warm, vulnerable, and honest way—these Alicia Keys quotes from More Myself are simply stunning and are well worth the read.
Read More »37 Stunning Alicia Keys Quotes from More Myself on Living Authentically
How Can We Create More Space In Our Lives For What’s REAL?
Excerpt: An exploration of what even IS real, why real tends NOT to be the default, and how “keeping it real” can lead to more connections and strength than the opposite.
Read More »How Can We Create More Space In Our Lives For What’s REAL?
25 Remarkable Chadwick Boseman Quotes on Struggle, Work Ethic, Authenticity, and Life
Excerpt: The iconic Black Panther star, Chadwick Boseman died at age 43. This list of 25 Chadwick Boseman quotes will help you remember his life and legacy.
Read More »25 Remarkable Chadwick Boseman Quotes on Struggle, Work Ethic, Authenticity, and Life
“No matter what, people are going to like you or not like you. So be authentic, and let them like you or not for who you actually are.”
Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 78)
“Ultimately, we need to develop what the Japanese call kokoro, which means to merge our heart and mind in action. It implies that we are balanced and centered, allowing us to operate in synchronicity with our inner selves, with others, and with nature. When we commit to integral development and lead with kokoro, we will be 100 percent authentic, present, and powerful.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal
“If it acts like a duck (all the time), it’s a duck. Doesn’t matter if the duck thinks it’s a dog; it’s still a duck as far as the rest of us are concerned. Authenticity, for me, is doing what you promise, not ‘being who you are.’ That’s because ‘being’ is too amorphous and we are notoriously bad at judging that. Internal vision is always blurry. Doing, on the other hand, is an act that can be seen by all.”
Seth Godin, Whatcha Gonna Do With That Duck?
The Gifts of Imperfection [Book]
Book Overview: In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, a leading expert on shame, authenticity, and belonging, shares ten guideposts on the power of Wholehearted living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness.
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