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    “The driving force in this whole thing [the movie], to me, is your vulnerability. No question about it. If we’re true to that idea and you’re forthcoming with it, we really can’t go wrong. The thing is, if you wanna move forward you can’t move forward without being vulnerable.”

    Phil Stutz, Stutz

      “The need for space is psychological as well as physical: you must have an unfettered mind to create anything worthwhile.”

      Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 336)

        “The true artist has no public; he works for the sheer joy of it, with an element of playfulness, of casualness. Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness. Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make.”

        Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 140)

          “Art is never decoration, embellishment; instead it is work of enlightenment. Art, in other words, is a technique for acquiring liberty.”

          Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 135)