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    “Next time you’re struggling with something, try saying to yourself, I choose to live in easy world where everything is easy. How might that change your approach? Would it help you to let go of some of the stress and pressure? It’s worth caveating, of course, that your problems are unlikely to magically disappear by just asking yourself this question. But like me, I wonder if you might find that it helps you let go, just a little bit, of the unnecessary extra angst, stress and suffering, we add on top of whatever ‘problem’ we need to solve.”

    Ali Abdaal

      “If I imagine what a miserable working week would be (within the context of my existing business), it would be Zoom calls all day, no creative work, strict deadlines from sponsors, and the feeling that I’m making videos that I don’t actually think are useful just for the sake of an algorithm or a sponsor. I’m also staying in the house all day, not doing any exercise, eating unhealthy takeaway food, and not seeing any friends. Okay great, I’ve just defined what my nightmare work week would look like. So now I can just make sure to avoid having work days that look like that.”

      Ali Abdaal

        “Everyone around me has been telling me for years that I’m a workaholic and need to take a break, but I’ve always said: ‘Nah, I love my work, it feels like play.’ But even play can become too much without appropriate time for recharging.”

        Ali Abdaal

          “An hour before 9 is worth 2 after 5.”

          Ali Abdaal

            “The only reason Alan [Watts] talks about mysticism, philosophy, or Eastern traditions is because he enjoys it. He sees himself like a ‘spring bubbling from the side of the mountain’ – if a traveller drinks from the spring and enjoys it, that’s fine. But that’s not the purpose of the spring. The spring just exists.”

            Ali Abdaal

              “I’ve found that the less I actually care about numbers, the happier I seem to be. The more I focus on the journey, and less on the destination, the more fun I have doing this thing I love.”

              Ali Abdaal