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Alan Watts Quote on The Present and How It’s Not A Result Of The Past

“Everyone automatically assumes that the present is the result of the past. Turn it around, and consider whether the past may not be a result of the present. The past may be streaming back from the now, like the country as seen from an airplane.”

Alan Watts, Sunbeams (Page 14)

Beyond the Quote (Day 388)

Seeing the past as being the cause of your present steals from you the accountability that’s needed to take ownership of your future. For, you can’t change the outcome of your future if you’re busy blaming what happened in the past. You have to realize, as Watts outlines above, that it’s the present that caused the past, not the past that caused the present.

By placing blame on the abstracts of the past, you’re effectively left feeling like a victim in the now. It strips you of your desire and willingness to act and, resultantly, your power to influence the direction of your life. What amounts instead is a stream of moments lost to inaction that become more of the very same moments for you to later blame.

Seeing the present for what it is—the only opportunity you’ll ever have to act—returns control of your past and future into your hands. The past didn’t cause your present, it’s how you acted in your past, present moments that caused your current, present moments to be what they are. And how you act in this current, present moment is the only thing that will ever change your future, present moments.

Understanding this is the key to regaining control of your life. Don’t shirk from the responsibility of your now. Do today what you failed to do yesterday. If your past, present moments have gotten you to a place of discontent, then something about your present needs to change so that history doesn’t repeat itself. Otherwise, what will stop you from experiencing more of the same? So long as you continue to see the past as a source of blame for your present, is as long as you will continue to handicap yourself from realizing the full potential of your now—including the potential of your future.

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