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Seneca Quote on Using Rulers To Make What’s Crooked, Straight.

“Without a ruler to do it against, you can’t make crooked straight.”

Seneca, The Daily Stoic (Page 36)

Beyond the Quote (Day 393)

Role models serve as rulers for our lives. Without role models, there’s no reference to compare the line of our lives against. How to know which direction is “straight” and which is “crooked?” It’s like when you’re lost at sea. Having a reference point like the North Star or a compass to guide your direction is everything. Otherwise, who knows which direction leads to land? All direction is arbitrary without a guide. This is how it is in our lives, too.

We already have certain guides in place that keep us relatively on track. Things like laws, policies, morals, rules, and rights. These are in place to ensure “crooked” doesn’t lead to mistreatment, danger, or malevolence. But, within the context of realizing our true potential and living our best lives, there are an infinite number of ways we can draw out our lines.

Wisdom is our guide. And it is up to each individual to pick their guide. Wisdom doesn’t only come from one kind of person and there’s no one universal “straight” line. It’s a judgement call that each person needs to make in their own right and in accordance to their own goals. “Straight” is simply the direction that leads you to where you most want to be.

So, who will it be? Who do you want to model your life after? Who do you see as being wise that can be the ruler for the line of your life? Don’t take this decision lightly. Just because there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing someone, doesn’t mean you should just arbitrarily or lightly choose. Adding more crooked lines to your life will only further confuse the matter. Choose your ruler wisely.

Read Next: Taking Care of Yourself IS Productive (Day 392)

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Matt Hogan — Founder of MoveMe Quotes

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