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Russell Brand Quote on Pain and How It’s A Signal To Be Addressed; Not A Problem To Be Ignored

“Pain is a signal, it’s some aspect of us that’s beyond our somewhat narrow conception of ‘self,’ communicating. A pain in the leg means ‘don’t put pressure on this leg’; a pain in the mind means ‘change the way you live.'”

Russell Brand, Recovery (Page 28)

Beyond the Quote (Day 402)

Imagine the chaos that would ensue if we didn’t follow the signals of the world. If we ignored traffic signals; disregarded conversational signals; paid no mind to vehicular signals. The world would be a much scarier, dangerous, and erratic place. It would skyrocket fear, confusion, and anxiety—and rightfully so! The signals of our world are in place to serve as an antidote to chaos. To provide a sense of order, certainty, and security. And what most people don’t realize is that our inner worlds have a signal system in place all the same and for the very same reasons.

Our body is the vehicle through which we interact with the world. Our body needs to communicate with our mind if our mind is ever going to understand how to properly move the body. Without feedback, the mind would lead the body to peril. Pain is an obvious signal that points out issues that need to be addressed. Just as a car’s ‘Check Engine’ light would signal. The signal that’s sent from touching a hot stove is rapid, clear, and definitive: Stop touching and don’t touch again! But, not all signals are created equal.

Some signals are subtle, quiet, and lingering. They don’t flash “Red Alerts” so much as they slowly bubble. It’s here that we must become aware. For longevity sake. For the sake of understanding. So that we can maintain order inside of ourselves. We must proactively scan our interiors—as we would our car for rust. Even when (precisely when) there are no “Red Alerts.” We have to listen to what the quiet whispers of our body are trying to tell us. The irritations; annoyances; frustrations; anxieties; pains that all bubble up—the faint signals that warn us of erosion—are signals that can all be sourced, confronted, and addressed. If we but take the time to follow them.

This post became the introduction for: 10 Stephen Grosz Quotes From The Examined Life on Pain, Change, and Loss

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