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Picture Quotes

    Every new day is another chance to change your life.

      20 Things to Start Doing in you Relationships:  Which one(s), could you start doing or do better with to improve your relationships...?

        Go dancing or something.

          The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen.

            Time you enjoy wasting... Is not wasted. ~ John Lennon

              Worrying will never change the outcome.

                Every second is a chance to turn your life around.

                  No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is.

                    When it's all said & done, I hope you haven't said more than you've done.

                      "To know ten thousand things, know one well." ~ Miyomoto Musashi

                        Worry is a misuse of imagination.

                          Create a life that feels good on the inside.  ...Not one that just looks good on the outside.

                            Another reason to work hard!

                              Life is like photography, always look on the bright side of things.

                                "Be fierce, but kind.  Strong, but gentle.  Powerful, but humble.  These are some of the traits of a true warrior." ~ Ryu

                                  What's the biggest 'yes' you have burning inside...?

                                    The true sign of intelligence:

                                      Top 5 things to stop wishing for and start doing!  ...No regrets.

                                        I cannot teach anybody anything.  I can only make them think." ~ Socrates

                                          Don't get outdated... Ever.