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    “The purpose of learning to work with the unconscious is not just to resolve our conflicts or deal with our neuroses. We find there a deep source of renewal, growth, strength, and wisdom. We connect with the source of our evolving character; we cooperate with the process whereby we bring the total self together; we learn to tap that rich lode of energy and intelligence that waits within.”

    Robert A. Johnson, Inner Work (Page 9)

      “Each of us is building a life, building an edifice. Within each person the plan and the basic structure are established in a deep place in the unconscious. But we need to consult the unconscious and cooperate with it in order to realize the full potential that is built into us. And we have to face the challenges and painful changes that the process of inner growth always brings.”

      Robert A. Johnson, Inner Work (Page 7)

        “Happiness is a mental habit, a mental attitude, and if it is not learned and practiced in the present it is never experienced. It cannot be made contingent upon solving some external problem. When one problem is solved, another appears to take its place. Life is a series of problems. If you are to be happy at all, you must be happy — period! Not happy ‘because of.’”

        Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics

          “Human beings have been doing the same things for eons. And the wisest minds who ever lived wrote down the best of what they figured out. If you want to stay informed, if you want to learn how to prepare for an uncertain future—forget about breaking news articles, forget about refreshing your twitter feed, forget about the arguing talking heads on CNN. Instead, drink deeply from the great texts of history. Learn from the distant past, from the wisest minds who ever lived. Search very old books to find your best new ideas.”

          Ryan Holiday, Daily Stoic Blog

            “The unconscious manifests itself through a language of symbols. It is not only in our involuntary or compulsive behavior that we can see the unconscious. It has two natural pathways for bridging the gap and speaking to the conscious mind: One is by dreams; the other is through the imagination. Both of these are highly refined channels of communication that the psyche has developed so that the unconscious and conscious levels may speak to one another and work together.”

            Robert A. Johnson, Inner Work (Page 4)

              “Two kinds of people are good at foreseeing danger: those who have learned at their own expense, and the clever people who learn a great deal at the expense of others.”

              Baltasar Gracián, The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence

                “You might think that the Stoics were these unfeeling people…But that’s actually not true at all…Marcus Aurelius said that he learned from one of his mentors to be free of passions but full of love. If you want to feel good, if you want to be loved by other people, it’s about what you put out in the world…Because ultimately that’s what you control. If you want to feel better, don’t go expecting other people to validate you or to give you what you want. Give what you want. Marcus says if you want to feel good, do good. See everyone you meet, as Seneca said, as an opportunity to practice kindness. And the rest will take care of itself.”

                Ryan Holiday

                  “Trying to evade all conflicts and arguments is not possible. Interpersonal conflict happens because egos exist. Approaching conflict with selflessness and the goal to understand helps harmony reappear more easily.”

                  Yung Pueblo

                    “Giving away so much of your time to the requests of others will stop you from giving time to what is good and nourishing for you. Betraying yourself is not virtuous. Constantly saying yes to please others will lead to burnout. Say no frequently if you want to create a clear space in your life for what matters most to you.”

                    Yung Pueblo

                      “You know your heart better than anyone else. This means you need to act on what you know. Speak up for yourself, ask for support when needed, don’t feel like you need to move at the same speed as everyone else.”

                      Yung Pueblo

                        “If you want to connect with wisdom and the beauty of the moment, you need to move slowly. Rushing will make you miss so much and it is actually just a reflection of your inner agitation.”

                        Yung Pueblo

                          “When another blames you or hates you, or people voice similar criticisms, go to their souls, penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are. You will realize that there is no need to be racked with anxiety that they should hold any particular opinion about you. But you should still be kind to them. They are by nature your friends, and the gods too help them in various ways—dreams and divination—at least to the objects of their concern.”

                          Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (Page 88)

                            “If you’d like to do something bold with your life, you will have to choose to do something bold on a specific day. There is no perfect day. There is no right time. For the trajectory to change, there has to be one day when you simply make the choice.”

                            James Clear, Blog

                              “What you do on your ordinary days determines what you can achieve on your extraordinary days.”

                              James Clear, Blog

                                “The sinner sins against himself: the wrongdoer wrongs himself, by making himself morally bad.”

                                Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (Page 85)

                                  “Do you want the praise of a man who curses himself three times an hour? Do you want to please a man who can’t please himself? Can a man please himself when he regrets almost everything he does?”

                                  Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (Page 81)

                                    “Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.”

                                    Shakti Gawain

                                      “Don’t get into this binary thing where you’re looking at Fox or CNN. Read the other side. Some of your fellow citizens have good reasons to believe something different than you do. I try to think sometimes about where are they right? Not are they wrong. You’ll become a better thinker. And you earn peoples’ respect. By telling the truth, being a team player. Team player doesn’t mean you don’t complain. It means you complain if we are doing something stupid.”

                                      Jaime Dimon

                                        “Ask yourself this about each action: ‘How does this sit with me? Shall I regret it?’ In short while I am dead and all things are gone. What more do I want, if this present work is that of an intelligent and social being, sharing one law with god?”

                                        Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (Page 76)