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Mark Ruffalo Emmy Award Acceptance Speech on Using Privilege To Fight For Those Less Fortunate

Mark Ruffalo Emmy Award Acceptance Speech on Using Privilege To Fight For Those Less Fortunate

“[Our story] asks a big question, how are we going to deal and honor and take care of each other and our most vulnerable people? And we do that with love, and we do that with compassion, and we do that by fighting for them. And that’s what we have to do today. We have to come together with love, for each other. And if you have privilege, you have to fight for those who are less fortunate, and more vulnerable. And that is what is great about America, our diversity. One thing I’ve learned from my wife and children, is that we’re stronger together when we love each other and we respect each other’s diversity. And so we have a big, important moment ahead of us. Are we going to be a country of division and hatred? A country only for certain kind of people? Or are we going to be one of love, and strength, and fighting for those—all of us—so all of us can have the American dream and the pursuit of life, and liberty, and love, and happiness, in this great country of ours? That’s what we’re facing right now. So get out and vote, make a plan, and vote for love and compassion and kindness. I love you all. Thank you so much.”

Mark Ruffalo, Emmy Award Acceptance Speech

Beyond the Quote (262/365)

Our first priority is to ensure that we are able to care properly for ourselves. Next, is to ensure that we are able to properly care for our family and loved ones. What’s next is where we are all given a destiny altering choice that can—quite literally—reshape the structure of our world. We can choose to either move from “properly cared for” to “overly cared for” or we can choose to continue broadening our circle of care outwards. In other words, with privilege, we can choose luxury or greater impact. The path you choose, and the degree to which you choose to follow that path, can alter the very essence and purpose of your life.

So much of what we are taught and shown in life pushes us towards luxury and superfluous living. Everything from media advertisements to trying to “one-up” your friends to social media influencers to our ever increasing desire for comfort and ease—we are constantly being told (and shown) that what we have isn’t enough. So what do we do? We keep buying more and more. And while, there’s nothing wrong with spending your money how you want to spend it (it’s yours after all)—the missed opportunity is simply what Ruffalo points to above. We aren’t able to contribute to the effort of taking care of and helping our most vulnerable.

And there are so many vulnerable people who could use our help, indeed. So many who aren’t even able to take care of themselves with basics for survival—let alone care for and provide for families that they might be a part of. People who, whether from a disability, a disadvantage, many disadvantages, a ruined/ painful past, mental health issues, problems from the pandemic, etc., are suffering intensely—all while so many others are seeking to upgrade from one luxury brand to the next. But, again, it’s your privilege so you should get to live your life how you want with it. What Ruffalo and I are suggesting though is that with great privilege comes great responsibility. Just like how with great power comes great responsibility.

When you are cut a bigger piece of the pie, you can keep it all to yourself and continue trying to get more pie, or you can share. Understand me here, this isn’t a plea to give your pie—money and resources—away to people who didn’t work for that money or resources. I’m not asking you to give out freebies. This is an invitation, a reminder maybe for some, to simply broaden your circle of impact and share your money and resources with people/ groups/ organizations that you believe could really utilize them effectively. There is PLENTY that needs to be done and MANY people/ organizations that could use the help. If you are in a position of privilege—a position where you find yourself comfortable debating between one luxury brand and another—then this invitation might be for you.

Because what this grassroots effort of sharing and caring also does, is it unites us. It brings us together under the umbrella of love and connects us to what’s best inside all of us. It brings to light our sense of compassion, kindness, humility, generosity, hopefulness, fairness, and responsibility. Qualities that not only contribute to the greater good at large—but to the greater good of self, too. These are character traits that strengthen the self when they are shared with others. Nothing is lost and nothing is weakened when they are given away.

They are the traits that remind you that there is more to life than collecting brand name items. They remind you of our interconnectedness, our smallness in the midst of a vast universe, and that collecting “stuff” won’t ever impact the vast universe like sending even one small ripple of kindness into it ever will. The question you have to ask and answer for yourself is, what kind of world—country—do you want to contribute to? One of selfishness, hatred/ distrust to others, and division? Or one of selflessness, love/ trust to others, and inclusion? The choice is, and will forever be, yours to make with the resources and intention of your life. I love you all and I hope this finds you well.

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