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“Old age is tremendously beautiful, and it should be so because the whole of life moves towards it.  It should be the peak.  How can the peak be in the beginning?  How can the peak be in the middle?  But if you think your childhood is your peak, as many people think, then of course your whole life will be a suffering because you have attained your peak – now everything will be a declining, coming down.  If you think young age is the peak, as many people think, then of course after thirty-five you will become sad, depressed, because every day you will be losing and losing and losing and gaining nothing.  The energy will be lost, you will weaken, diseases will enter into your being, and death will start knocking at the door.  The home will disappear, and the hospital will appear.  How can you be happy?  No, but in the East we have never thought that childhood or youth is the peak.  The peak waits for the very end.” ~ Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

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