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Kevin Kelly Quote on Death and How The Only Thing You Take With You Is Your Reputation

“When you die you take absolutely nothing with you except your reputation.”

Kevin Kelly, Blog

Beyond the Quote (209/365)

And what is your reputation made up of? The sum of all of the actions you took when you were alive. All of them. The actions you took when you were excited and joyful—and the actions you took when you were miserable and upset. It’s composed of the things you did for those who you admired, desired, and cared for—as well as the things you did for those who you pitied, hated, and didn’t pay any mind to. Your reputation is nothing more than the summary report of how well you followed the golden rule while you were alive.

Treat others the way you want to be treated—that’s the motto. The golden rule isn’t to treat others the way you were treated—no. It’s about realizing that how you act is within your control and how you are remembered shouldn’t be determined by how others treated you. It’s about propelling forward all of the good that you’ve been given and acting as a breakwall against all of the bad. It’s about being the person who took the trash and turned it into a type of treasure. The person who embodied gratitude, enthusiasm, and service. The person who took hate and turned it into love.

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I think most of us know that we can’t take money, mansions, or otherwise material items with us when we die (even though most people sure don’t act that way). What’s maybe less talked about, though, is what we do take with us to the grave. What might that be beyond what Kelly mentioned above? All of things we meant to do. The dreams we wanted to realize. The intentions we were supposed to act on. This is why, even though there isn’t a single dollar in the cemetery, it’s still the richest place on the planet. It’s where the wealth of human potential is buried with each passing of life.

While this may sound morbid, it should really motivate. It might be hard to hear—but, when is it ever a good time to hear what’s hard? That’s why one of my favorite opening lines for hard conversations is, “Welp, this is as bad of a time as any…” And so it is right now. Take this insight with a sprinkle of urgency and start acting on all that’s inside of you before it’s too late. Because one day it will be—and I can guarantee you that you’ll still have potential inside.

I look back on this year of writing and I am astounded that I have produced what I have produced thus far. Sometimes I finish writing my daily blog and am shook that what I wrote came from me. And what’s more, is that I cherish this work more than most of the work I’ve produced in my life. This has become a very personal, intimate practice that highlights some of my best thoughts that now act as a staple in the reputation of my lifetime. This is something people will always be able to reference and dig into even after I pass. And my call to action for you is to start acting on your callings yourself. What you don’t act on while you’re alive, you take with you to the grave. And the grave is already wealthy enough. Leave your wealth here, with us.

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