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Jim Rohn Quote on Remembering That You’re Not A Tree — And Changing What You Don’t Like

“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.”

Jim Rohn

Beyond the Quote (193/365)

When we are born, we are but a seed in the ground. We have a nature and we are all affected by how we are nurtured. It is not a question of whether we are a product of one or the other—we are all a product of both. The nature of a tree, for example, is determined by the seed that it sprouts from. An oak tree seed has one nature and one nature only, to grow into an oak tree. An oak tree cannot grow into a maple tree nor can it grow into a redwood tree. It’s nature is predetermined by the genetic coding that is packaged within the seed from which it sprouts. This is it’s nature. Our nature—our genetic makeup—is determined by our parents. This cannot be changed.

How mighty of an oak tree the seed can become is determined by how it’s nurtured. Contained within the idea of nurture for a tree are the quality of the soil, the access it has to water, it’s exposure to the sun, and the climate in which it lives. The more ideal each of these factors are for the oak tree, the more mighty it will grow. Humans respond similarly to their growing environments. The more ideal their relationship is with their parents; the better access they have to basic living requirements and educational resources; the more safe and loving their neighborhood and living environment is—the mightier they’ll grow. Where humans and trees differ, however, is in their ability to change environments.

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Trees, once planted, either live or die in that environment. They have no choice. There is no pulling up their roots and walking somewhere else. They are stuck where they are planted. And if the environment lacks in a basic resource for survival, the tree has to accept their fate without alternative. Humans, however, have been given an incredible gift—the ability to move. We are not implanted into the ground. We can get up and move to new environments essentially at will. And this is incredibly valuable to know.

Think about the implications of this. It means that if you’re living in an environment that is lacking a basic resource for survival or won’t allow you to live your best life—you can actually pull your legs up off the ground and go to a new environment. How amazing is that? You don’t have to accept a fate where you are suffering unnecessarily or lacking a basic need for survival. Now, of course, this may not be as easy as I’m making it out to be for everyone. But, the point I want to make clear is that it doesn’t have to be as hard as you might be making it out to be either. A lot of what you might consider to be “roots” implanting you into the ground, might actually just be weights on your shoulders. And that’s a major difference. Your feet might have more weight to bear than others, but moving is still possible for as long as you are a human.

So, take a closer look at the environment of your life. You need to choose who you surround yourself with, how you spend your time, what you listen to, where you work, in what neighborhood you live, and how you prioritize our time. It is up to you—nobody else. And don’t confuse “roots” with “weights.” If, upon reflection, you realize your environment isn’t ideal—good news! You’re not a tree. So, here’s my advice: don’t act like one. Utilize your god-given ability to move and change (or better manage) your environment(s). And don’t brush this off as overly simplified. This might be some of the best advice you ever act on.

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