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5 Deep Life Questions, Answered—An Excerpt from Inward by Yung Pueblo

5 Deep Life Questions, Answered—An Excerpt from Inward by Yung Pueblo

Excerpt: They asked her about loving yourself, saving the world, wealth, power, and the meaning of misery and despair… here’s how she answered…

Note: The following excerpt can be found on pages 131 – 135 of Inward by Yung Pueblo. Enjoy!

they asked her,

"what does it mean to love yourself?"

she answered,

"it means to uncover and release whatever keeps you from true happiness; to love, honor, and accept every single part of you, especially those that are kept in the dark. it means to observe yourself continually with the utmost honesty and without judgment. loving yourself means striving to reach new heights of self-understanding so as to cultivate the wisdom that inner peace requires."

they asked her,

"what is the key to saving the world?"

she answered,

"you. you are the key. heal yourself, know yourself, make yourself whole and free. release all limits so that your love can flow unconditionally for yourself and the world. this will open the heaven of your heart and it will guide you without fail."

they asked her,

"why are we here at a time when there is so much misery and despair?"

she responded,

"because you answered the call. the earth signaled for heroes, and the heavens sent forth the ones who were most ready to grow and unleash their unconditional love. you're here to shine the light of your own healing, to offer the world the gift of your balance and peace."

they asked her,

"are you wealthy?"

she responded,

"yes. it took years to build, but now there is a palace in my heart that i have constructed out of awareness, calmness, and wisdom."

they asked her,

"what is true power?"

she answered,

"true power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero, and leader. it is when you share your truth with compassion and peace. your power grows when you make progress in your own freedom and wisdom. those who are truly powerful do not harm themselves or others; instead, they use their energy to enrich all they know with love."

If you enjoyed this excerpt, then you’ll definitely enjoy reading Yung Pueblo’s book in full. It comes warmly recommended:

Book Overview:  From poet, meditator, and speaker Yung Pueblo, comes a collection of poetry and prose that explores the movement from self-love to unconditional love, the power of letting go, and the wisdom that comes when we truly try to know ourselves. It serves as a reminder to the reader that healing, transformation, and freedom are possible.

Buy from Amazon! Listen on Audible!

Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

Read Next: 28 Poetic Quotes from Inward by Yung Pueblo on Healing, Pain, and Love

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