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Quote On Inner Beauty and Questioning How People Would Treat You If They Were All Blind

“If the whole world was blind, how many people would you impress?”


Beyond the Quote (256/365)

As it stands, the world is predominantly vision based. Meaning, most of what we interpret from our worlds—our environments—is absorbed from what we see. Less of what we learn is from hearing and less from that is tasting, smelling, and feeling. And because most of us rely on vision, vision becomes the predominant method for hierarchically organizing our world. In other words, we organize our world into “desirable” and “less desirable” based on what we see more than any other sense, because sight is our primary source of information gathering.

So, as we look out into our world on a regular basis, we’re constantly collecting visual information and interpreting it to form judgements, desires, and opinions on everything that we’re seeing—people especially. We see people who we’ve come to categorize as attractive or “desirable” and we naturally want to mimic what we see—so that we may become “attractive” or “desirable” as well. And when we see people who we’ve come to categorize as “unattractive” or “undesirable” we do the opposite. The problem with this, of course, is that what we see on the outside is a poor representation of what might otherwise be considered “attractive” or “desirable” on the inside.

This is where a great disconnect is happening in the age of connection. In our world today, so much of what we see is manufactured, manipulated, and made to make us feel a sense of lack and desire. Why are we bombarded with images of models wearing luxury brand clothes? So that we can see and associate beauty with that brand (and if we want to be “beautiful” then we should get that brand). Why is a core element of some of the most popular social media sites in the world, filters? Because manipulating how we look and changing how everyone else sees us is wildly popular and in high demand. Why is luxury branding (visual marketing) a gazillion dollar industry? Because it works. It influences us to buy more than most other methods. Or, put more bluntly, luxury brands know how to exploit your dependence on sight.

Without sight, what would luxury brands do? Well, in my estimation, they would devote all of their resources and energy to marketing in audio—as hearing would be the next most dominant way we absorb information about our environments. This already happens in radio and podcasts, but, without sight association to the brand, I think things would become a lot less superficial. Word choice, story telling, and depth of character would take on a much more important role and shift the landscape drastically.

But, enough about luxury brands, let’s talk about you. If the whole world was blind, how do you think people would act towards you? Would people continue acting towards you the same as they do now? Or would they be more or less impressed with you in some way and change? Do you think there’s a disconnect between how people see you on the outside and how you see yourself on the inside? If so, what do you think you can do to connect the two? And finally, how might your behavior towards all of the people in your life change if you were suddenly blind to their appearances? Think carefully about your answers and carry on accordingly. Depth is where the real beauty lies. And becoming “blind” to some things in life might not be a bad idea to consider.

Read Next: 21 Stunning Inner Beauty Quotes and How To Always Look Lovely

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Matt Hogan — Founder of MoveMe Quotes

Written by Matt Hogan

Founder of MoveMe Quotes. On a mission to help busy people do inner work—for better mental health; for healing; for personal growth. Find me on Twitter / IG / Medium. I also share daily insights here. 🌱

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