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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Quote on Revealing Inner Beauty When The Darkness Sets In

“People are like stained-glass windows.  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Beyond the Quote (156/365)

Matching your moods to the weather of the day is easy—happy when it’s sunny, gloomy when it’s overcast. It’s a very natural response to the sort of feelings each type of weather encourages. How could you not be in a better mood when the sun is shining bright versus when it’s dark and gloomy? And so it is for most of us. But, what if you didn’t have to be in a dark and gloomy mood when it was dark and gloomy outside? What if you could learn to maintain a peak state that was independent of the weather? This is the art of nurturing the light within.

If you want to learn how to shine bright not only on the days when the sun is gleaming off of your skin, but on the days when it feels like the sun is nonexistent, then you have to learn how to be your own source of light. You have to figure out what makes you come to life and what lights you up from within. And each of these ideas that you come up with must be ideas that are within your realm of control. The weather is not within your control. The moods of those around you aren’t within your control. The news of the world certainly isn’t within your control. And if you base your mood for the day on anything that is outside of your control—you’ll be effectively powerless over the relentless swings and punches sent to you from the world.

If you want to maintain (or reclaim) your control and learn how to stand independent of weather, surrounding people, and news—then it’s time to take matters into your own hands. If exercising and eating right puts you in a proper mood, then that should be a part of your daily practice. If reading and listening to audiobooks/ podcasts stimulates your mind and gets you thinking creatively, then why wouldn’t you do that every day? If meditating and writing calms your demeanor and helps clear your mind, then it should be done on the daily. Some people get into a better state by drawing, hiking, or singing—there will be much customization involved in finding the exact right formula that works best for you. But, what could be more worth exploring? Because once you find the right balance, you will be effectively independent of the mood killers in your world.

Does this mean you’ll be immune to all mood killers all of the time? Of course not. We’re human. But, we will be in a much better state of mind for a far greater amount of time. And that makes it worth the effort in and of itself because time is our most precious commodity in life. Who wouldn’t want to spend more of their precious moments in a peak state versus a dull, darkened state? It won’t be easy—finding your ideal formula—but it will undoubtedly be worth the effort.

And don’t forget, this effort will extend far beyond you. Remember, most people are directly affected by the moods of others—so, by learning to nurture your own light, you will be directly affecting those people when you cross paths. And from a broader perspective, what could be more valuable than another source of untouchable light in a world of unforgiving darkness? What could be more timely than the feeling of warmth in a sea of cold? What better way to inspire those around you than by showing them the beauty of your light, not just when the sun is shining bright, but when the darkness sets in and it’s hard to find the light at all?

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