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Chris Guillebeau Quote on Adventure and How I Spontaneously Prioritized Adventure Into My Life

“If you want to make every day an adventure, all you have to do is prioritize adventure.  It has to become more important than routine.”

Chris Guillebeau, The Happiness of Pursuit

Beyond the Quote (Day 368)

Reflections from my spontaneous holiday road trip, now that I’m home:

  • 11 Days on the road
  • 11 State lines crossed
  • ~ 5485 miles driven
  • ~ 68.3 miles hiked

The right word for this trip was intense. The itinerary was intense. The driving was intense. The solitude was intense. The scenery and other-worldly views were intense. Sleeping in the camper van in below freezing temperatures every night was intense. Doing long hikes combined with long bouts of sitting combined with no stretching was intense. But, my, oh my, was it all worth it.

To be clear, this wasn’t a vacation—it was an adventure. I rented a camper van on Monday and left that Wednesday. I had a bed in the back of the van and a general direction and that’s it. No shower. No toilet. No heat at night. It was all a giant puzzle that I challenged myself to figure out along the way.

Time away doesn’t always have to be pampering, comforting, and tropical. It can be spontaneous, raw, and tough. It felt liberating to be able to go with the flow and follow my intuition. But, it also feels good to be back home where I can pamper, relax, and comfort myself again. I think both are needed. I wouldn’t recommend this type of trip to everyone. But, I certainly implore you to consider the idea: are you willing to venture off into the unknown—beyond what’s comfortable?

Read Next: Bruce Kirby Quote on How Adventure is Curiosity (Day 367)

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