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S. C. Lourie Quote on Being Worthy and Accepting of Where You Are—No More Hiding

“Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now. No more hiding. You are worthy, always.”

S. C. Lourie

Beyond the Quote (80/365)

Life doesn’t always have to be sunshine and rainbows.  And it certainly runs deeper than smiles and ease.  But you already know this.  You’ve felt it: the confusion, the sadness, the frustration, the brokenness, the misery, the pain—it’s all a part of the experience of life.  What you need to know is that it’s okay to feel these emotions.  It doesn’t make you any less human to feel the breadth and depth of the emotional spectrum—if anything, it makes you more human.

While this may sound obvious, why is it that so many of us try to run from the very nature of our existence?  You are just as worthy to feel these emotions as any other human on earth—not more and not less.  And these emotions aren’t to be hid from; they aren’t to be suppressed; they aren’t to be numbed; and they certainly aren’t indicators that something is wrong with you.  These emotions act as your inner emotional compass that is supposed to guide you forward in your life.  Whatever you are right now, just be that.

Be confused—it’s where you begin to learn new things.  Manifest curiosity.

Be broken—it’s where you begin to learn how to heal.  Manifest self-love.

Be frustrated—it’s where you begin to learn authentic decision making.  Manifest perseverance.

Be fearful—it’s where you begin to learn courage.  Manifest bravery.

Be sad—it’s where the depth of our heart’s wisdom can be felt.  Manifest compassion.

Be angry—it’s where you begin to learn how to calm down.  Manifest patience.

Be lonely—it’s where you begin to learn how to love yourself.  Manifest creativity.

Be annoyed—it’s where you learn how to act and who to surround yourself with.  Manifest mindfulness.

If you never give the negatively perceived emotions space—space to be felt/ to be experienced/ to be managed—and you ignore, suppress, numb, and run from what you’re feeling, how can you ever learn to overcome and move through?  With every emotion that might be perceived as negative, there is an opportunity to manifest a positive and growth oriented response.

In fact, it’s where most positive and growth-oriented responses come from—a negatively perceived or uncomfortable situation or circumstance.  If you are completely content where you are, why would you want to leave?  If you are discontented with where you are, you are going to want to leave that place to find a place that might be better.  Growth follows the same framework.

When you welcome and embrace all of the emotions for what they are, you will be in tune with your inner emotional compass.  Let confusion point you to curiosity and brokenness point you to self-love and frustration point you to perseverance and so on.  This is why it’s important to come out of hiding.  This is why we welcome the tough emotions with open arms.  Because they don’t make us any less worthy for having them, but rather, reveal to us just how real we are and guide us to becoming stronger by confronting them.

Hiding from problems makes problems stronger and you weaker.  Confronting problems and manifesting the best that’s inside you makes the problems weaker and you stronger.  None of this is meant to sound easy, but it is meant to be laid out simply.  Feel the pain and move towards the pain, it’s where your true strength lies.

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