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Rob Dyer Quote on Staying Focused On The Right Things—Things That Bring Us Together

“At the end of the day, you can either focus on what’s tearing you apart, or what’s holding you together.”

Rob Dyer

Beyond the Quote (74/365)

There is a lot happening right now that can make us feel like we’re being torn apart.  With the threat and spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), there is more and more happening each day that is moving us further and further apart and into smaller and smaller groups (even into isolation).  Everything from the biggest organizational gatherings in the world to the most remote meetings in our own backyard are being postponed and cancelled to prevent the spread of the virus.  During this time when we are being forced apart physically, we need to find ways to continue to come together mentally and emotionally.

Rather than focus on the situations where people are fighting over toilet paper and canned goods, let’s direct our focus on the stories of people who are offering help and sharing with others.  Just today, I saw a simple post on Instagram that restored my faith in humanity—a picture of a loaf of bread that was put back on the shelf by a guy who had two loaves, but decided it’d be better to leave one back for someone who might not have one at all.  Such a small gesture that left a powerful impression.

Furthermore, I read a post from a friend on Facebook who said: “*No BS Post* If the school closures have you concerned about your child not being able to eat breakfast or lunch PLEASE let me know. I will do what I can to help. A box of cereal, gallon of milk, bread, pb/j- just let me know. Feel free to PM- no judgement ever!!! & it’ll be our secret!  It takes a village!! anyone need help with the kiddos i will be working from home 100%.”  This is the type of mental and emotional support that brings us together—maybe even in deeper ways than we ever would have come together in “normal” times.

How people act during times of stress, adversity, and challenge reveal far more about their character than how they act during times of calm, comfort, and ease.  The going is getting tough—no doubt about that.  But during this tough time, we must challenge ourselves to get tougher.  We must remain strong in our resolve, creative in our thinking, flexible in our approach, and calm in our demeanor.  This is the resilience of the human spirit and this is where our real strength lies.

And in the midst of all the closings, reschedulings, postponements, and cancellations, let’s also remember what hasn’t been:  Kindness hasn’t been closed;  Patience hasn’t been rescheduled; Love hasn’t been postponed; Creativity hasn’t been canceled; Compassion hasn’t been shut down…  Let’s share more stories of how the people around us are stepping up to the plate, taking on the challenge of the time, and helping others in big and small ways.  Let’s celebrate what’s holding us together rather than what’s *trying* to tear us apart.  Sending strength and love to all.

This post became the introduction for: 27 Deep Quotes on Unity, Interconnectedness, and How We Are One

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