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Quote About Showing Up For Life—On Collecting Scars Not Avoiding Bruises

“Maybe life isn’t about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it’s about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it.”


Beyond the Quote (67/365)

Good judgement comes from bad judgement remembered.  Bad judgement happens when we interact with the world in a way that doesn’t align with the nature of reality.  The only way we can ever know if our judgement is “good” or “bad” is by interacting with the world.  Reality is the judge and the jury.  By avoiding reality, we avoid finding out.  By not finding out, we avoid getting bruised, yes, but we also avoid the deeply felt lessons that only those bruises can ever deliver—the lessons that only reality can teach us.

No motivational quote, no string of words, no mental analogy, no hypothetical situation, no real life example, no video, and no podcast, can ever imprint the lesson of “hot” in our mind like touching a hot stove will.  Nothing can teach us how to swim like getting into the water will.  Nothing will teach us how to recover from bruises like getting bruised and figuring out how to recover will.

We cannot will our body to get stronger.  Our body can only get stronger through trial, adversity, and challenge.  We cannot wish our mind to expand.  Our mind will only expand when it is stretched and presented with unique problems, tough situations, and challenging questions.  No stimulus; no response.  And no response is no way to live.

Do you want to look back on your life and talk about how much you didn’t do?  How many problems you didn’t have or solve?  How many bruises you didn’t get?  How safe your journey to the end was?  How little you were challenged?  That doesn’t sound like the adventure of your life to me.  The adventure of your life involves showing up.  It involves taking risks.  It involves doing stuff that scares you.  It involves being vulnerable and getting hurt.  It involves getting cut, bruised, broken, and crushed—and still showing up and courageously moving forward the next day.

Life is about collecting scars—not so we can show off or brag—but so that we can prove that we showed up and so that we can have the adventure of our life.  Scars are proof, not to others, but to ourself that we are taking those risks, living courageously, and adventuring into the unknown.  And those scars, when you do arrive at the end, will give you damn good stories to share with those who will face the reality of the world thereafter.

You know, the ones with bad judgement who are scared of getting bruised and who will need a person like you to show them the way—not to the place of comfort and safety; but to the place of adventure and adversity.  Because while protecting them and keeping them perfectly safe might feel, instinctually, like the best option—not allowing them to build their own strength and expand their own mental capabilities will only hurt them more when you’re not there to protect.

You have to let the next in line touch the stove when they are young.  Otherwise, they may never learn the danger of heat and might come into conflict with fire when it’s far beyond their capabilities or understanding.  So, go.  Go together and face reality.  Build strength and expand your thinking.  Live your adventure and collect your scars.  We need you and the collection of those around you at your very best.

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