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Stephen Covey Quote on Keeping Success Balanced Across All Areas Of Life

“Many people seem to think that success in one area can compensate for failure in other areas. But can it really?… True effectiveness requires balance.”

Stephen Covey

Beyond the Quote (13/365)

The example that comes up immediately is the widely popular cultural pursuit of work success at the expense of just about any other area of life.  But can workplace success compensate for failed friendships?  Failed marriages?  Failed family life?  Failed integrity?  Failed health?  …I would say confidently, that it cannot.  Real success in life requires balance.  And if we are to become effective at living a life of balance we have to be mindful of, take action on, and make constant adjustments to our priorities.

Are we ever going to get it exactly right where everything is balanced and in perfect equilibrium?  I would say confidently, that we will not.  All of the areas in our life are in a constant state of flux and are changing more rapidly than we can ever even keep up with.  But this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be pursuing perfect equilibrium every day anyway!

To not pay attention to our priorities at all will undoubtedly lead us further off of the path of a balanced life than trying, even a little bit, ever would. The less attention you pay, the further off path you’re likely to go.  And if you’re not careful, you might find yourself at the end, not quite sure how you got there, surrounded by a bunch of stuff, confused by the lack of people, and filled with a bunch of regret.  So, let this be an opportunity for you to reflect.

Are you pursuing success in one area of your life or does your idea of success include all of the areas?  How might you live with more balanced focus?  How might you spend your days to better reflect your life priorities?  What even are your life priorities?  Answering these questions is the first step to reclaiming the trajectory of your life.  Without the answer to these questions, you might very well be cruising along your path blind, on your way to an unexpected destination, where there are a lot of “things” but not a lot of people, and “success” is tainted with imbalance and regret.  Don’t take this lightly.  Don’t skip this exercise.  Remember, the less attention you pay, the further off the path you’re likely to go.

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