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    “None of our men are ‘experts.’ We have most unfortunately found it necessary to get rid of a man as soon as he thinks himself an expert because no one ever considers himself expert if he really knows his job. A man who knows a job sees so much more to be done than he has done, that he is always pressing forward and never gives up an instant of thought to how good and how efficient he is. Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing is impossible. The moment one gets into the ‘expert’ state of mind a great number of things become impossible.” ~ Henry Ford

      “Money doesn’t make us anyway it just unmasks us.” ~ Henry Ford

        “There is no man living who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can do.” ~ Henry Ford

          “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.” ~ Henry Ford

            “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” ~ Henry Ford

              “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” ~ Henry Ford

                “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford

                  “All Fords are exactly alike, but no two men are just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything just like it before, never will be again. A young man ought to get that idea about himself; he should look for the single spark of individuality that makes him different from other folks, and develop that for all he is worth. Society and schools may try to iron it out of him; their tendency is to put it all in the same mold, but I say don’t let that spark be lost; it is your only real claim to importance.” ~ Henry Ford

                    Stay close to anything that makes you glad you're alive...!

                      You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars... You have a right to be here.

                        “I have come to believe that coming true is not the only purpose of a dream. Its most important purpose is to get us in touch with where dreams come from, where passion comes from, where happiness comes from.” ~ Lisa Bu

                          “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” ~ Abigail Adams

                            “The best relationships in our lives are the best not because they have been the happiest ones, they are that way because they have stayed strong through the most tormentful of storms.” ~ Pandora Poikilos

                              Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonder-full!

                                “Unlike physical progress, which is subject to natural restrictions, the qualities of the mind can be developed limitlessly.” ~ Dalai Lama

                                  We believe what we tell ourselves.

                                    If you want something, but you don't have it yet...  It's because you don't want it bad enough...!

                                      "The trouble is... You think you have time." ~ Buddha

                                        “It’s more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long difficult words but rather short easy words like ‘What about lunch?'” ~ Winnie-the-Pooh