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    “Knowledge is always progressing. Don’t let your ego fool you. You are always knowledge’s inferior.”

    Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 94)

      “All living creatures fear pain and death. Try to understand yourself in every living creature: do not torture and do not kill. Stop suffering and dearth. All living creatures want what you want; all living creatures praise their lives.”

      Dhammapada, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 82)

        “The greatest impediment to creativity is your impatience, the almost inevitable desire to hurry up the process, express something, and make a splash.”

        Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 93)

          “Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”

          Franz Kafka, The Daily Laws (Page 92)

            “Physical work, physical exercise for your body, is a necessary condition of life. A man can force others to do things for him, but he cannot free himself from the necessity of his own physical work. And if a man does not work at necessary and good things, then he will work at unnecessary and stupid things.”

            Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 79)

              “We all possess an inborn creative force that wants to become active. This is the gift of our Original Mind, which reveals such potential. The human mind is naturally creative, constantly looking to make associations and connections between things and ideas. It wants to explore, to discover new aspects of the world, and to invent. To express this creative force is our greatest desire, and the stifling of it the source of our misery.”

              Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 90)

                “He who always listens to what other people say about him will never find inner peace.”

                Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 77)