“That kind of violence… it tears open a hole, it’s like a black hole. It sucks language and meaning and all sense and whenever we show up and try to make sense of it, it reins hallow because there’s no making sense of this kind of mass violence—mass suffering. And when people have just survived it, it’s like you’re sitting on the edge of that black hole and you’re about to be sucked in and the only way that you don’t fall in is if someone is holding your hand. That’s all it takes.”
Valarie Kaur
“The speed at which technology moves is anxiety inducing and it can set us up to think frantically, to jump from extreme to extreme. This means that the tools we use to develop our inner peace and wellbeing are more important than ever. To be able to deal with the chaos of the world, we need to consistently tend to our inner harmony. To do that, it is essential to hold our healing as a top priority.”
Yung Pueblo
“Ambition is when you expect yourself to close the gap between what you have and what you want. Entitlement is when you expect others to close the gap between what you have and what you want.”
James Clear, Blog
“It’s generally better to over-communicate. If you wait to reply because you don’t have an answer yet (or because you don’t want to share bad news), the other party often ends up making assumptions about what the delayed reply might mean. Silence frustrates and confuses people. Better to communicate early and often.”
James Clear, Blog