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“Inner success is the ability to love yourself completely, to do the work to feel whole and at home within your being, and to decrease the tension in your mind that you have accumulated over the years. Inner success is a deep sense of inner peace and joy that emerges after you have unbound the layers of trauma and old hurt that get in the way of you feeling like the best version of yourself. Outer success is the ability to accomplish the goals that arise in your mind. Specifically, the goals that stand above simple desires, goals that have the power to move your life in a more positive direction. Usually, these goals are in reference to external things like your professional life, creating a good community for yourself, pursuing healthy relationships, and more. Outer success is when you deeply realize that all you can control are your own actions and you turn this into your superpower so you can design your life in the way that you think is ideal. “

Yung Pueblo
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