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“When you see someone having something that you believe you deserve, you take a note. You ask yourself a few questions. Is it something that you really want? Perhaps that person is better suited than you are for that. Does the universe — is the universe conspiring for you to have that? Really kind of try and be honest with who you are and where you’re at in life. Once you do that, you take a deep breath and you say, ‘Their wins have nothing to do with my worthiness.’ And then you’re ready to give a note. You go on social media, and you say congratulations. Or my personal favorite, you pick up the phone, like it’s the 20th century, and you say, ‘Congratulations, kudos, you did that, Al! You go, girl!’ You do all the things. Instantly you feel like a better human being because you have actually extended grace.”

Bevy Smith, TED Talk
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