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“We look at people who are sick and we pity them because we believe that their lives has to be inherently less joyous than everyone else’s.  What we don’t see, is that when people suffer, when people feel pain, it’s just connecting them to life.  It’s connecting them to everyone else.  Because the truth is, no matter what kind of life you’re living, no matter what kind of circumstance you’re in, you’re going to feel miserable sometimes; You’re going to have nights when you feel like the entire world is closing in on you, and it’s never going to be okay again, and you’re always going to be alone—and you’re going to have days when you feel so happy to be alive; where you feel joyous and you feel inspired… And you are always going to feel all of that.  No matter if all of your dreams come true, and you’re living in that New York loft apartment, doing whatever you’ve ever wanted to do, and are in love and married and what not—you’re still going to feel the complexity of life.  Because life doesn’t discriminate between circumstance.  Life is not going to stop unfolding itself to you just because you’re sick or because your life isn’t how you think it’s supposed to be.  There is still going to be beauty.” ~ Claire Wineland, Klick MUSE New York

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