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“It is well known that expert meditators develop the capacity to see life in slow motion, observing objects (including their own thoughts) in minute detail, as if seeing every individual frame of a movie.  It turns out that masters in every field develop the same capacity.  Master baseball players, for example, when at bat, see the ball coming at them as if in slow motion – even though the ball is actually traveling 90 miles an hour.  Not only can the master batter see the ball in ‘individual frame’ detail, but he can at the same time see the meaning of those details.  How low is the ball to the ground?  Over what quadrant of the plate will it pass?  Is it spinning?  In what direction?  How will all of this detail influence my decision about how and where I want to hit the ball?  This is mastery.”

Stephen Cope, The Great Work Of Your Life
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