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    “Don’t think about why you question, simply don’t stop questioning.  Don’t worry about what you can’t answer, and don’t try to explain what you can’t know.  Curiosity is its own reason.  Aren’t you in awe when you contemplate the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure behind reality?  And this is the miracle of the human mind—to use its constructions, concepts, and formulas as tools to explain what man sees, feels and touches.  Try to comprehend a little more each day.  Have holy curiosity.” ~ Albert Einstein, via Mastery

      “Your true self does not speak in words or banal phrases.  Its voice comes from deep within you, from the substrata of your psyche, from something embedded physically within you.  It emanates from your uniqueness, and it communicates through sensations and powerful desires that seem to transcend you.  You cannot ultimately understand why you are drawn to certain activities or forms of knowledge.   This cannot really be verbalized or explained.  It is simply a fact of nature.  In following this voice you realize your own potential, and satisfy your deepest longings to create and express your uniqueness.   It exists for a purpose, and it is your Life’s Task to bring it to fruition.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

        “There are many paths to mastery, and if you are persistent you will certainly find one that suits you.  But a key component in the process is determining your mental and psychological strengths and working with them.  To rise to the level of mastery requires many hours of dedicated focus and practice.  You cannot get there if your work brings you no joy and you are constantly struggling to overcome your own weaknesses.  You must look deep within and come to an understanding of these particular strengths and weaknesses you possess, being as realistic as possible.  Knowing your strengths, you can lean on them with utmost intensity.  Once you start in this direction, you will gain momentum.  You will not be burdened by conventions, and you will not be slowed down by having to deal with skills that go against your inclinations and strengths.  In this way, your creative and intuitive powers will be naturally awakened.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

          “If there is any instrument you must fall in love with and fetishize, it is the human brain—the most miraculous, awe-inspiring, information-processing tool devised in the known universe, with a complexity we can’t even begin to fathom, and with dimensional powers that far outstrip any piece of technology in sophistication and usefulness.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

            “Mastery is not a function of genius or talent.  It is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge.  But there is another element, an X factor that Masters inevitably possess, that seems mystical but that is accessible to us all.  Whatever field of activity we are involved in, there is generally an accepted path to the top.  It is a path that others have followed, and because we are conformist creatures, most of us opt for this conventional route.  But Masters have a strong inner guiding system and a high level of self-awareness.  What has suited others in the past does not suit them, and they know that trying to fit into a conventional mold would only lead to a dampening of spirit, the reality they seek eluding them.  And so inevitably, these Masters, as they progress on their career paths, make a choice at a key moment in their lives: they decide to forge their own route, one that others will see as unconventional, but that suits their own spirit and rhythms and leads them closer to discovering the hidden truths of their objects of study.  This key choice takes self-confidence and self-awareness—the X factor that is necessary for attaining mastery.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

              “When you move toward mastery, your brain becomes radically altered by the years of practice and active experimentation.  It is no longer the simple ecosystem of years gone by.  The brain of a Master is so richly interconnected that it comes to resemble the physical world, and becomes a vibrant ecosystem in which all forms of thinking associate and connect.  This growing similarity between the brain and complex life itself represents the ultimate return to reality.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                “You must see every setback, failure, or hardship as a trial along the way, as seeds that are being planted for further cultivation, if you know how to grow them.  No moment is wasted if you pay attention and learn the lessons contained in every experience.  By constantly applying yourself to the subject that suits your inclinations and attacking it from many different angles, you are simply enriching the ground for these seeds to take root.  You may not see this process in the present, but it is happening.  Never losing your connection to your Life’s Task, you will unconsciously hit upon the right choices in your life.  Over time, mastery will come to you.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                  “Understand: to create a meaningful work of art or to make a discovery or invention requires great discipline, self-control, and emotional stability.  It requires mastering the forms of your field.  Drugs and madness only destroy such powers.  Do not fall for the romantic myths and clichés that abound in culture about creativity—offering us the excuse or panacea that such powers can come cheaply.  When you look at the exceptionally creative work of Masters, you must not ignore the years of practice, the endless routines, the hours of doubt, and the tenacious overcoming of obstacles these people endured.  Creative energy is the fruit of such efforts and nothing else.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                    “Your task as a creative thinker is to actively explore the unconscious and contradictory parts of your personality, and to examine similar contradictions and tensions in the world at large.  Expressing these tensions within your work in any medium will create a powerful effect on others, making them sense unconscious truths or feelings that have been obscured or repressed.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                      “Understand: the greatest impediment to creativity is your impatience, the almost inevitable desire to hurry up the process, express something, and make a splash.  What happens in such a case is that you do not master the basics; you have no real vocabulary at your disposal.  What you mistake for being creative and distinctive is more likely an imitation of other people’s style, or personal rantings that do no really express anything.  Audiences, however, are hard to fool.  They feel the lack of rigor, the imitative quality, the urge to get attention, and they turn their backs, or give the mildest praise that quickly passes.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                        “Sometimes greater danger comes from success and praise than from criticism.  If we learn to handle criticism well, it can strengthen us and help us become aware of flaws in our work.  Praise generally does harm.  Ever so slowly, the emphasis shifts from the joy of the creative process to the love of attention and to our ever-inflating ego.  Without realizing it, we alter and shape our work to attract the praise that we crave.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                          “Creativity is by its nature an act of boldness and rebellion.  You are not accepting the status quo or conventional wisdom.  You are playing with the very rules you have learned, experimenting and testing the boundaries.  The world is dying for bolder ideas, for people who are not afraid to speculate and investigate.  Creeping conservatism will narrow your searches, tether you to comfortable ideas, and create a downward spiral—as the creative spark leaves you, you will find yourself clutching even more forcefully to dead ideas, past successes, and the need to maintain your status.  Make creativity rather than comfort your goal and you will ensure far more success for the future.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                          Mastery [Book]

                            Mastery by Robert Greene

                            By:  Robert Greene

                            From this Book: 35 Quotes

                            Book Overview: Each one of us has within us the potential to be a Master. Learn the secrets of the field you have chosen, submit to a rigorous apprenticeship, absorb the hidden knowledge possessed by those with years of experience, surge past competitors to surpass them in brilliance, and explode established patterns from within.  Study the behaviors of Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Leonardo da Vinci and the nine contemporary Masters interviewed for this book.  The bestseller author of The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and The 33 Strategies of War, Robert Greene has spent a lifetime studying the laws of power. Now, he shares the secret path to greatness. With this seminal text as a guide, readers will learn how to unlock the passion within and become masters.

                            Buy from Amazon!  Listen on Audible!

                            Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

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                              “Your emotional commitment to what you are doing will be translated directly into your work.   If you go at your work with half a heart, it will show in the lackluster results and in the laggard way in which you reach the end.  If you are doing something primarily for money and without a real emotional commitment, it will translate into something that lacks a soul and that has no connection to you.  You may not see this, but you can be sure that the public will feel it and that they will receive your work in the same lackluster spirit it was created in.  If you are excited and obsessive in the hunt, it will show in the details.  If your work comes from a place deep within, its authenticity will be communicated.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                                “The human mind is naturally creative, constantly looking to make associations and connections between things and ideas.  It wants to explore, to discover new aspects of the world, and to invent.  To express this creative force is our greatest desire, and the stifling of it is the source of our misery.  What kills the creative force is not age or a lack of talent, but our own spirit, our own attitude.  We become too comfortable with the knowledge we have gained in our apprenticeships.  We grow afraid of entertaining new ideas and the effort that this requires.  To think more flexibly entails a risk—we could fail and be ridiculed.  We prefer to live with familiar ideas and habits of thinking, but we pay a steep price for this: our minds go dead from the lack of challenge and novelty; we reach a limit in our field and lose control over our fate because we become replaceable.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery

                                  “Masters manage to blend the two—discipline and a childlike spirit—together into what we shall call the Dimensional Mind.  Such a mind is not constricted by limited experience or habits.  It can branch out into all directions and make deep contact with reality.  It can explore more dimensions of the world.  The Conventional Mind is passive—it consumes information and regurgitates it in familiar forms.  The Dimensional Mind is active, transforming everything it digests into something new and original, creating instead of consuming.” ~ Robert Greene, Mastery